

Hi all North Pacificers....Pacificans......Pacifici (this could take a while)

I have been playing NS for a few years (but have not been so active recently). I have never ventured back into the scary world of GCRs since the beginning but felt like trying something different and joining a larger (much larger) community. So hi to all Pacifish....Pacificistani

Ah the form:

Nickname(s)?: Nope, unless, "Oi you in the corner do some work", counts
Main Nation?: Serenite
RL Country?: France
Favourite Colour(s)?: Nope not telling
Do you use IRC?: Not at the moment but I can and have
Political Ideology? Socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Yep for RP, hope to be fairly active

Looking forward to getting to know some of you Pacificese....Pacificonians
Welcome to The North Pacific!
I am sure you will have tons of fun here!
We have some really intense legislature at times, which you can enjoy if you like that sort of thing.
In addition to that we also have some thrilling Role Play threads that you can contribute to!
And if you are looking for experience and work to do here, well we do have our Executive Staff, Regional Assembly, and the North Pacific Army.
It is always great to have another personality and character on the team :)

Welcome, and I hope you will be active after all this time. And by your resume of your self, looks like you might fit right in :)