
While it is far from the state religion in Tenebritia (as the Democratic Socialist government takes separation of religion and state very seriously), Anti-Idiotarianism is the dominant faith in the IST. Its simple nature is part of its appeal; it is by far the easiest religion to practice in terms of ritual, though practitioners do admit that following its tenets isn't always so easy.

This is because Anti-Idiotarianists prize knowledge-seeking and empathy above all else. In fact, it is largely because of this faith that the government is run the way it is, though that is largely a factor of the individuals acting according to its tenets as opposed to any actual influence by the Papacy of Anti-Idiotarianism.

The tenets of Anti-Idiotarianism are as follows:
  • There is an undefinable force in the Universe that drives all things. Some would call it divine, but all must seek to understand it little by little.
  • Humans are the way for the Universe to know itself. Help others learn all they wish to learn.
  • All are equal in the Universal scheme. Ensure that all are capable of living a good life, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, wealth, or status.
  • The Earth is but one of countless worlds, but it is nonetheless amazing. Take care of it and all that live upon it. Replace what you take as you are able.
  • The human mind is a complex thing, with infinite variations. Care for all those who are wired differently than you.
  • In the end, the words of the Prophet Wil of Wheaton apply: don't be a dick.
Missionaries are already spreading out from Tenebria as we speak. I'm sure you all will find them quite congenial and easy-going. The Anti-Idiotarian Seminary in Shadeopolis tends to weed out anyone inclined to dickery or proselytizing really quickly.
Missionaries are already spreading out from Tenebria as we speak. I'm sure you all will find them quite congenial and easy-going. The Anti-Idiotarian Seminary in Shadeopolis tends to weed out anyone inclined to dickery or proselytizing really quickly.
It has been said that one man's dickery is another man's proselytising. And the other way around, too. :P
Dear Shadowbird,

In the spirit of Ecumenical cooperation etc I would like to invite representatives of the Anti-Idiotarian faith along to the Blessing of the Sugar Canes, which takes place in the temple of Flemingovia on 8th September.

In the run up to the festival there are celebrations in song and drink every day up to the main event.

There will, of course, be Rum.
That doesn't sound like too bad an idea. I will forward a message onto the missionaries that are heading toward Northern Flemingovia. *takes out a cellphone, taps on it for a brief bit* And done.
That doesn't sound like too bad an idea. I will forward a message onto the missionaries that are heading toward Northern Flemingovia. *takes out a cellphone, taps on it for a brief bit* And done.

I am sure they will have fun.