Now the asshattery about Flemingovianism seems to have calmed down a little, we can get on with enjoying stuff in the Temple.
The North Pacific Legal Code states:
The first such holiday will take place on Monday 8th September. This festival will be the Blessing of the Sugar Canes, a celebration of our regional sugar cane crop and the prime derivative of that crop - our Regional drink of Rum.
there are several ways you can celebrate:
1. Join in the religious blessing of the Sugar Canes, presided over by yours truly.
2. Listen to the keynote address, given by our special honoured guest, that doyenne of TNP Rum, Great Bight's Mum.
3. If you are in teh NPA, enjoy a tot of rum, courtesy of the Temple of Flemingovia (check your inbox on 8th September.
4. display and use the brand new emoticon, uploaded for the festival: Colon - Rum - Colon

5. Change your avatar to something appropriate to the occasion, honouring sugar cane or Rum.
6. Between now and 8th September I will try to post, in this thread, one new song about sugar or rum every single day. Not sure if I can do it, but it will be fun to try. Check here every day!
7. Come up with your own way of celebrating THE BLESSING OF THE SUGAR CANES.
Enjoy, folks.
The North Pacific Legal Code states:
7.3.17. Holidays of the Flemingovian religion shall be observed regionally, and all nations shall have the right to take a day off work, unpaid, on those holidays. Government officials are excluded from the effects of this clause.
The first such holiday will take place on Monday 8th September. This festival will be the Blessing of the Sugar Canes, a celebration of our regional sugar cane crop and the prime derivative of that crop - our Regional drink of Rum.
there are several ways you can celebrate:
1. Join in the religious blessing of the Sugar Canes, presided over by yours truly.
2. Listen to the keynote address, given by our special honoured guest, that doyenne of TNP Rum, Great Bight's Mum.
3. If you are in teh NPA, enjoy a tot of rum, courtesy of the Temple of Flemingovia (check your inbox on 8th September.
4. display and use the brand new emoticon, uploaded for the festival: Colon - Rum - Colon

5. Change your avatar to something appropriate to the occasion, honouring sugar cane or Rum.
6. Between now and 8th September I will try to post, in this thread, one new song about sugar or rum every single day. Not sure if I can do it, but it will be fun to try. Check here every day!
7. Come up with your own way of celebrating THE BLESSING OF THE SUGAR CANES.
Enjoy, folks.