Speaker Elections end in new Speaker, another Cabinet reshuffle
In an election that some might say ended in a shocker, angusp/Bodegraven was elected as the new Speaker of the GRA! The current Delegate ran against Joe Bobs, with Chanku being an outside candidate. The campaign mostly revolved around the many changes Joe Bobs introduced to the region, with angusp arguing that there were too many changes in too little time for them to work or be judged properly.
Joe Bobs surprisingly voted for angusp, and, with that, handed him victory.
In his inauguration speech, angusp said the following:
Before I start with my ideas for the next term, I would like to say that I am honoured to have been elected to this high position. I would especially like to thank Joe Bobs, who has proven to be one of the finest Speakers this regions has known over the past few months.
However, we still are in dangerous waters. We are missing the connection between the forums and NS itself. By connecting the two more, we could increase activity here. Activity means people and, well, like Joe Bobs pointedly said in his inauguration speech: " whenever your golden age was, it needs people to make that happen" .
By making sure the GRA Economy is protected, by having the Speaker also be the Delegate and, most importantly, doing things here which will impact NS, we can get to that golden age for our region. We have been promoting Fight Club in regions far and wide, but forgot to start at home. We legislated for loopholes only career politicians could use, but we forgot to focus on the connection between where we started, and where we are now. So let us reflect on what happened, and consolidate what we have. Let us see what worked, and improve on that. And let us see how the nations from our region will flock to this forum, and let us see the GRA flourish again.
I have proposed some people positions in my cabinet. As I do not want to pressure them too much, I will only release one name: Joe Bobs. After a campaign where I criticized a lot of what he did, I would like to offer a hand to him and his supporters, by asking him to be General. He would be magnificent in organizing training missions and, later, possibly more.
In Foreign Affairs, I would like to keep our good ties with Texas specifically, but also all other regions we are currently friends with. And who knows, we might reopen embassies with a few regions. After all, we shouldn't let debates of the past murk the open sea of the future too much.
Just as under Joe Bobs, I ask you all to be responsible. To not just offend people, but offend them originally and intelligently. That is the least we can do to honour our good old Uropa. To dedicate yourself to defend this region and regions under attack. To defend free speech. To use our political strengths and weaknesses to our advantage, and to make some laws that will stand the test of time.
Or, at least, until the next Speaker comes along.
So, I thank you for electing me, for this chance to help my beautiful region, and I ask all of you to help in that endeavour, as a region is only as strong as its citizens.

angusp was almost late for his own speech
GRA-Texas Alliance

Two of the oldest Defender regions in NationStates, Texas and the Global Right Alliance, have this week finalised the terms of a Treaty of Alliance. This comes after several weeks of both sides considering the terms and language of the treaty, before finally holding a vote in the People's Assembly of the GRA, the Cabinet of Texas, and the Texas Representative Council. "This is a great step towards further cementing our friendship with Texas", said Speaker Joe Bobs. "Texas and the GRA are two of the longest running Defender regions, so this is good news for Defenderdom generally. This is the first of what could hopefully be more bilateral treaties of alliance for the GRA. We would certainly like to explore building such a close relationship with our other good friends in other regions."
GRA Economy Launched

The GRA has relaunched the forum-based economy! Yes, it was hugely popular but even more problematic in its original incarnation in 2010, and has now returned. The GRA Economy includes a credits for posts (currently at $10 a post) and a shop hosted on the forum, wherein users can collect image sets to display proudly on their profiles, and the shop is soon to host a lot more! Come and check it out today!
GRA Awards System
Flexing his new admin powers, Joe Bobs has also installed an awards system to allow members to display awards on their profiles, as well as collections they can purchase in the shop. Awards include the People's Assembly, Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs Awards, as well as medals for GRADF Soldiers, GRADF Officers, Hall of Fame inductees, Amabssadors, FRA Rangers, Actors and Spammers. Check out the Awards!
Founder Control Board Election
The Founder Control Board of the GRA are those few members who have been chosen to share access to the Founder nation, guaranteeing the security of the region and maintenance of the region's administration. Current members are Northern Chittowa, Old Zertaxia, Uropa and Chin-Chillas. Following an outcry for a fifth member to be added, Uropa asked the People's Assembly to put forth a name, and the vote was tied between Joe Bobs and Angusp (aka Bodegraven). The FCB will now decide on who will join the Board.
Regional Message Board Opened to the World!
For better or worse, the RMB has been opened up to allow all members from embassy regions to post. So far, activity has been quiet, with only Yggdrasil's Goddess Relief Office / Anime Daisuki, also a GRA citizen, making use of the feature. So for all our embassy friends out there, we want to hear from you, get posting!
Spam Teams competition starts off 4 months late, still great success!
The idea of Spam Teams and a accompanying competition were started by Sovereign Liberties back in April, and after some tinkering with the rules, the competition finally started! Each team gets points depending on the posts of each individual member that is part of the team. Currently, Team Whipped Servant Boys is leading Team Dancing Ice Hawks 31 - 24.
Uropa Day
Celebrations for Uropa Day were highly successful, with WookieO winning the nation hunt game, successfully finding the nation 'Chancellor Knee Jerk' from the clues: What was Uropa's title following the Uropan Revolution in late 2010? and What was Uropa's favourite insult for The Reuscher Empire? Uropa was inducted into the Hall of Fame, and insults were thrown around like spaghetti.
Founding Reenactment

Fighter4u gets the wrong message about costumes for the reenactment. Sadly, when WookieO saw him, he ripped his arms off.
GRA Productions first ever performance, the GRA Founding: A Reenactment, has begun! The first scene is underway, in which New Emerica attempts to lure the young South Land and Old Zertaxia into his web of deceit! Come check it out in the GRA Cultural Events section!
Hall of fame
The return of the Hall of Fame has been a great success, with Lower Bowmania, Old Zertaxia and Uropa being inducted so far, with Northern Chittowa, G-tech, Bad Writers, Dipes, Sedge, Jivdom and South Land as possibilities for the next entry.
Finally, the GRA maintains its eternal war against Falconias.
Written by angusp and Joe Bobs, with contributions from WookieO and Wibblefeet.