Something I'm considering......

As shown in this post at Old Blue, next week on July 19th, will make my 9th anniversary of continuous service in the Regional Assembly:

GS post to request RA memberhip of 19 July 2005

That date, more or less, was the first day nations could join the Regional Assembly under the Constitution that was ratified following the Constitutional Convention, and thus marked the founding of this body. I served temporarily as the chair (and outgoing Minister of Justice in the transitional government) while the Delegate and Prime Minister took office, made their initial nominations, and began my service as the first Chief Justice of The Court of The North Pacific.

Nine years, continuously, is a long time, especially in Nationstates. At the moment, I'm thinking of retiring from the Regional Assembly on the 10th anniversary of my initial membership, which would be July 19, 2015. This would not affect my membership on the Security Council since R.A. membership isn't required there any longer. But as I said I am thinking about it.

Just thought y'all like to know.

There's an idea there -

I think a second house of the RA, perhaps filling the idea of a Senate be constructed from nations who have been here for nearly 10 years. Perhaps a legislative body that engages in 'advise and consent '? :D
Nine years, continuously, is a long time, especially in Nationstates. At the moment, I'm thinking of retiring from the Regional Assembly on the 10th anniversary of my initial membership, which would be July 19, 2015. This would not affect my membership on the Security Council since R.A. membership isn't required there any longer. But as I said I am thinking about it.
Why? We may not agree on a lot things, but jeez.. don't be part of the exodus from TNP. If you're just weary of the BS.. then fine. That'll pass eventually. You and Roman are among the longest standing members of TNP. That's worth something.
falapatorius, maybe I don't feel my service has been appreciated. Unlike the other long-termers in TNP who have departed from membership in the R.A. at various times or other, I've kept my membership here in the R.A. continuously. I've served here under every Speaker that there ever has been (including myself for a few terms) and if you add to that that I was one of the original class of registered voters that preceded the founding of the R.A., and that I was elected to an office at that first election in the early part of 2005, I have served in one government capacity or another continuously since that earlier date.
I just don't feel wanted in here anymore, and I feel ninety percent or more of the time I'm speaking to the deaf. I don't need the frustration or the aggravation. Might it pass? It might, but given the current debate over Flem's hare brained scheme and the fundamental threat I believe it poses to everything I've tried to accomplish or thought I had, I'd rather just leave than watch it be destroyed. And that I do believe is what Flem is up to, for whatever reason. It's just not worth it.
maybe I don't feel my service has been appreciated. Unlike the other long-termers in TNP who have departed from membership in the R.A. at various times or other, I've kept my membership here in the R.A. continuously.
Meh.. it's only because you're experienced enough to keep your trap shut (most times.. :P ). For better or for worse. I'll grant that I'm guilty of stirring the pot, but I'm learning. Particularly with the current regime. But I'm not leaving yet. You can do what you like of course, but try to remember your vote counts too. One vote may not seem significant, but it is. I do see what you mean though, I contemplated leaving the asylum to the inmates. :lol:
Personally, I think the fact that you bothering to post that you are thinking about leaving the Regional Assembly in a year's time is just a grab for attention, an attempt to cause internal strife or both. You claim to disagree with Flemingovia and you claim that he is seeking to disrupt the region but you don't actually do anything about it except post long diatribes about how you are unappreciated.

Guess what? Everyone here thinks they are unappreciated. It is the nature of the beast. The mentality of this region is that everyone is long-suffering and everyone is put upon. You helped to create that paradigm. Good job.

If it isn't worth it to you now, how is it likely to be worth it to you in a year? This just seems pointless.
I usually try to stay out of these tensions as much as possible and be on everyone's good side, but I am compelled to post what I am about to right now.

I personally think that this is getting over the limit. By "this" I mean all of these tensions concerning the Flem religion and all other tensions. GS, Flem, Roman, and all of the others involved have all worked together for years. Yes, there might have been tensions or rivalry, but you all worked together to establish where you are and to build up the North Pacific to where it is.
When I joined the forum, I was surprised that some people have been playing for a decade... that takes a lot of dedications. And it's really sad that some people are saying they're going to leave because of these tensions... I mean you all survived worse!
I think the problem is that overtime people are forgetting that the other people behind the computer screen are HUMANS. They have feelings like you do. They have a limit like you do. And I believe that some individuals are not considering this when posting or replying to the others.
I have a golden solution to this whole tension. The solution is not to drop the Flem religion issue... that's not a solution.
The solution is to be RESPECTFUL! Fight for what you want. If you're against the Flem religion then campaign against it, but you must do so respectfully.
And I believe that this goes especially to those involved in those tensions. It would be nice to see peace here again. And remember there's nothing wrong with debate as long as there's respectful communication.

Yes it is so difficult for us great minds to endure the lack of appreciation of our peers. Take heart, my friendly schnauzer, they do not immediately accept our ideas because they lack the vision of us genius-types. That does not mean it isn't painful to do stunningly beneficial work for the region only to have it go unappreciated. I feel your pain, and sometimes, in my darkest moments, I wish the RA were only composed of members of our caliber. What we must not do is give in, for our calling is towards a higher-minded principle than mere adulation.
We all need to take a few chill pills. Imo, we're spending a wee bit too much time talking about ourselves and not actually topics relevant to the region.

Grosse - I think resigning at your 10 year anniversary is a fine a way to break from the game should you chose to do so.
As shown in this post at Old Blue, next week on July 19th, will make my 9th anniversary of continuous service in the Regional Assembly:

GS post to request RA memberhip of 19 July 2005

That date, more or less, was the first day nations could join the Regional Assembly under the Constitution that was ratified following the Constitutional Convention, and thus marked the founding of this body. I served temporarily as the chair (and outgoing Minister of Justice in the transitional government) while the Delegate and Prime Minister took office, made their initial nominations, and began my service as the first Chief Justice of The Court of The North Pacific.

Nine years, continuously, is a long time, especially in Nationstates. At the moment, I'm thinking of retiring from the Regional Assembly on the 10th anniversary of my initial membership, which would be July 19, 2015. This would not affect my membership on the Security Council since R.A. membership isn't required there any longer. But as I said I am thinking about it.

Just thought y'all like to know.

Before you consider resigning from the RA, consider this quote:

“I started my life with a single absolute: that the world was mine to shape in the image of my highest values and never to be given up to a lesser standard, no matter how long or hard the struggle.”
------ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
The Democratic Republic of Tomb:
I usually try to stay out of these tensions as much as possible and be on everyone's good side, but I am compelled to post what I am about to right now.

I personally think that this is getting over the limit. By "this" I mean all of these tensions concerning the Flem religion and all other tensions. GS, Flem, Roman, and all of the others involved have all worked together for years. Yes, there might have been tensions or rivalry, but you all worked together to establish where you are and to build up the North Pacific to where it is.
When I joined the forum, I was surprised that some people have been playing for a decade... that takes a lot of dedications. And it's really sad that some people are saying they're going to leave because of these tensions... I mean you all survived worse!
I think the problem is that overtime people are forgetting that the other people behind the computer screen are HUMANS. They have feelings like you do. They have a limit like you do. And I believe that some individuals are not considering this when posting or replying to the others.
I have a golden solution to this whole tension. The solution is not to drop the Flem religion issue... that's not a solution.
The solution is to be RESPECTFUL! Fight for what you want. If you're against the Flem religion then campaign against it, but you must do so respectfully.
And I believe that this goes especially to those involved in those tensions. It would be nice to see peace here again. And remember there's nothing wrong with debate as long as there's respectful communication.

:agree: Thanks for that post, Tomb.
This is not something new, I've been thinking about this for a while. My original plan had been to retire from the R.A. once legislation we're still discussing within the Security Council on the changes about 8 months or so ago on the SPDR calculations (the 6 month look back) and how to better respond to that changed environment. But we've had a relative lot of new SC members, and it's going to take more time to get them up to speed in order to be able to have a consensus. I'm hoping to get back to that issue after I get pass my RL deadline this week.

But as I said I have been thinking about it for a while. But when I say retire from the R.A., I mean anything related to being in the R.A., such as any government office requiring R.A. membership, and I mean retire and not return to the R.A. at some future point. As far as I know, about the only ones who have succeeded had to retire from Nationstates, and that isn't my intent. Being in the S.C. and a forum admin is plenty enough.