University Class


Hello everyone. This post is in regard to classes for the university.

Believe it or not, I actually have a lot of ideas. From making a parody of the 48 Laws of Power to deconstructing movies and games, the only reason I'm not posting anything is the RL workload I have to put up with plus organizing them to be entertaining to a general audience.

Which leads me to a concern of mine. I really wanted to do science lectures. As I finished writing the lecture, something dawned on me;

Science is boring, or at the very least have the potential to be boring. As a result it's difficult making a lecture seem interesting without shoving tones of information down someone's throat. The subject itself has to be appealing if someone wants to learn.

So, what kind of topics from the fields of science do you want to see me cover? It can range from a very broad field as biology or even something specific like theoretical physics. Just don't pick geology, because we all know that's not really a science.
My biggest question and topic that I would like to learn more about is:
How does simple DNA code manifest itself into the full cellar organism?

Thank you,
