Here's a draft that I've been kicking around in my head for awhile. I'm open to all suggestions for improvement, but obviously I will not be abandoning the effort and I do not consider recommendations to scrap this idea entirely as a suggestion for improvement.
Liberate Haven:The Security Council,
Aware that the region Haven has hidden behind a password for well over four years,
Disappointed that many regions have taken to cowering behind the World Assembly for protection for long durations rather than acting to strengthen themselves,
Confident that a number of raiding organizations could utilize the region for far more interesting things than the current residents are choosing to,
Dismissing the argument that peaceful regions such as Haven should not be attacked by noting that such "peaceful regions" were heavily involved in the 2013 coup of The South Pacific.
Believing that the activity created by such invasions will outweigh any potential moral failings to stripping the region of its protection,
Hoping that this Liberation will spur activity in similarly protected regions lest they meet the same fate,
Hereby Liberates Haven