Resignation letter

Dear Minister of Communications COE, Editing Staff, Fellow writers:

I have enjoyed my brief time here on the new revamped newspaper publication of TNP and I am proud to have had an article in the first two issues. It is with some trepadation however, that effective immediately I would like to relenquish my position as RMB Game Side Staff reporter. I accepted this job and figured whst did I have to lose by trying? Nothing. That is true. I have found however that offical writing with deadlines and word limits and article editing and rewriting are not my style. I enjoy writing long winded verbose asides and poor attempt at humor, satire, and opinion. I don't like having editors. I have no issues with anyone on the paper or any articles published with my name. My only issue is that of being too prideful and stubborn I guess? I write an article I really like, I know it is going to be edited and rewrote, but when it is published it looks almost like a completely different article by another person. I guess I just have a different artistic differences then what the editing staff is going for. Again I appreciate the opportunity but I have found writing for a organization not my own where I do not have complete oversight to run my first draft is not for me. I wish TNL much success. But I would rather focus on my other positions in the cabinet, The RA, and as an ambassador at this time.

I would like to step aside so someone who really appreciates this, and is a good writer can contribute.

Thank you and please dont hate me!

- PaulWallLibertarian42