Per this court ruling: Request for review: Vice Delegate Consultation with Security Council
It seems there in a loophole that keeps the Security Council out of the realm of FOIA requests because it isnt technically part of the government. Which means the Security Council operates independently of regional government with no effective oversite or accountability to the RA or citizens free to do whatever secret things they do. I feel this needs rectifed. So I propose amending Chapter 6.2 clause 18 to specifically list the Security Council to name them in our legal code as being affected and compelled to comply with FOI Requests:
Proposed amendment:
It seems there in a loophole that keeps the Security Council out of the realm of FOIA requests because it isnt technically part of the government. Which means the Security Council operates independently of regional government with no effective oversite or accountability to the RA or citizens free to do whatever secret things they do. I feel this needs rectifed. So I propose amending Chapter 6.2 clause 18 to specifically list the Security Council to name them in our legal code as being affected and compelled to comply with FOI Requests:
Proposed amendment:
Section 6.2: Freedom of Information Act
16. The Delegate and appointed government officials will be delegated the task of informing the Assembly of any governmental action not already disclosed by the respective officers of the Executive.
17. All registered citizens residing in The North Pacific may request information from the Government through the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive.
18. The Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive will endeavour to retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government;as well as the Security Council, who are obligated to release this information provided it will not and/or does not present a threat to regional security or unduly impinge on the privacy of private citizens, and
19. Citizens which do not receive this information for any reason not specifically designated in appropriate laws or regulations may file a request for the information in a regional court, where the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive may present evidence that addresses any claim that release of the information impairs Regional security.
20. Information not disclosed because of issues pertaining to Regional security will be classified by the majority vote of the Court sitting as a three-member panel.
21. Information whose disclosure is deemed a security threat to the Region will be released by the affirmative vote of a majority of a three-member panel of the Court, no sooner than 2 months after the original request, once the threat no longer exists.[/b]