Having examined the laws, this is my interpretation:
Clause 3.g mandates that all votes be reported publicly, either in final result or ongoing tally, unless specifically exempted. Clause 7.c allows the Council to make recommendations in secret, in the event of an immediate and pressing nature, and to keep that vote secret until the threat has passed. This is a critical part of addressing security concerns, in order to avoid tipping off the target too soon.
The question, then, is the meaning of the term "recommendation", and how does the second clause relate to the first?. Is it anything the council urges in private? Is it the result of a formal vote?The answer lies in Clause 6.b, which empowers the Council to make reports or recommendations regarding a threat. The language of this clause specifically says that any such recommendations or reports may only be made following four days of discussion and four days of voting. It seems clear to me, then, that the only matters subject to release under this clause are those which were undertaken in secret and resulted in a formal recommendation.
I will look through the Security Council archives to determine if any such matters exist.