Proposal: Repeal of Flemingovianism as State Religion


I cannot be bothered to put this into legal wording, but I wish to propose the repeal of the act that made Flemingovianism the official regional religion.

there is one simple reason for this; Romanoffia.

this forum is getting smashed by his "hammering" of Flemingovianism (his word, on IRC). I care about Flemingovianism, but I care more about this forum, and I am not prepared to see the continuation of the damage that is being done to this community by his attitude and action.

So I am throwing the towel in, rather than see more damage to TNP. I've had enough. And I think most of you have too.

Now Roman may call this a victory. that is fine. Let him. But I see it as a victory for bullying. Roman could have proposed a repeal himself, and he could have accepted the democratic will of the RA. Instead he chose to slug it out across the forum. That is causing too much damage for me to ignore it.

Cue post by Roman claiming that HE is the injured party. post away. I am sick of it.
Despite the fact that I clearly and loudly oppose the law in question, I will be voting against this repeal if it comes to vote for as long as Romanoffia continues his behavior. It is distasteful and should not be rewarded.
a victory for bullying
I couldn't put it better myself.

Roman has played a very good game, meaning any action taken against him by the admins for his bullying would be seen as him being persecuted (or, at least, is how he would paint it.)

He - and his cheerleading cadre of enablers - should be ashamed.
I am not happy it's come to this through all the bullying and arguing that has gone on, I just feel like if it we repeal it, It'll not only quiet Roman down but it'll settle the dust around here. I'll be voting for it
Appeasement is disgusting and cowardly.
I'm not here to appease to Roman's wants, everything I've stated has been my own personal beliefs on the bill. I was against it from the start. The added controversy and bullying, etc etc, is just another incentive to repeal it.
Appeasement is disgusting and cowardly.
I'm not here to appease to Roman's wants, everything I've stated has been my own personal beliefs on the bill. I was against it from the start. The added controversy and bullying, etc etc, is just another incentive to repeal it.
I opposed Flemingovianism in Osiris and here in TNP, I completely disagree with the concept of a state religion in any form. But I will not stand idly by while Roman bullies his way into getting what he wants. If we reward this behavior then he'll just find another target until there's nothing left of us but what he finds acceptable. I for one don't intend to be nibbled to death by Romanoffia. I don't know about the rest of you.

Oppose this repeal and send a clear message that this is unacceptable behavior.
Can I ask that the speaker expedite this repeal going to formal debate and vote as quickly as possible?

I think we all know the issues here.
I am uncomfortable with a "State Religion" of any kind. RL or Role Playing or otherwise.

I do find the Idea of RPing religion intriguing. And do support Flemingovian in that regard. I dont really care if it is a State Religion or not. - however I dont think Roman has bullied anyone - he has wrote his satire pieces that is all I have seen. IDK all this "behind the scenes stuff" - but all I have seen is he RP opposition. With any kind of religion there are going to be opposition. We must empathize with the non believer and understand their critisms. To better our faith and our arguments to bring those lost into the fold.

I enjoy rping flemingovianism. We must not let those who critise get to us. I do not feel it is intential maliciousness. They are just doubting Thomas's.

I do not support repealing this provision. Nay.

This is just a gut reaction. This is what the non believers want. We must find a way to compromise and live in harmony with the heretics.
I oppose this repeal as well, despite voting against the original Flemingovianism bill.

If this repeal succeeds, it will be nothing but a reward for Romanoffia's unacceptable and nonsensical behaviour over the last two weeks. It would be a blunder analogous to the RA rejecting the motion for Romanoffia's recall a few weeks ago. Luckily that didn't happen then, and hopefully this repeal won't pass now.

I would also encourage Flem to withdraw the repeal. Romanoffia's behaviour does not deserve this kind of response, and you are gratifying him with one.
So.. this is Flem falling on his sword?. Being a martyr? I said from the start I'd let the baby have his bottle.. as long as it was non-legislative. TD's remarks are ridiculous. As if he is any way concerned about TNP. He shouldn't even have a vote here. Anyway.. on topic: Aye to the repeal.. ad infinitum.
baby have his bottle? oi moi.

Anyway, it is about time this bill had something substantive to be voted on. therefore:

Proposal: that Section 7.3 of the Legal Code is hereby repealed

Will that do?
TD's remarks are ridiculous. As if he is any way concerned about TNP. He shouldn't even have a vote here.
What is that supposed to mean? I don't mean to take this off topic but neither should you.
The bill is now in formal debate. At the request of the proposer of the bill, I shall shorten formal debate, which shall last for two days, after which a vote on the bill shall be scheduled.
TD's remarks are ridiculous. As if he is any way concerned about TNP. He shouldn't even have a vote here.
What is that supposed to mean? I don't mean to take this off topic but neither should you.
It's fala attempting to dismiss you.

Despite that fact that he contributes very very little to TNP, he feels it's his role to decide who should and shouldn't have a say here.

And he accuses me of wanting to silence dissent and opposition. :eyeroll:
I object to formal debate being shortened. This has only been proposed less than an hr ago.

Also I just got my Chaplains office and Sanctuary set up and furnished in NPA HQ. And was about to ask the MoD to grant Chaplains the ability to wear the emblem of faith on their Duty Uniforms. :/

And. I wrote what I think is a pretty bad ass sermon
I did not propose the shortening of formal debate. We are only just in informal debate!

I was talking about going TO formal debate as quickly as possible.

Admin note. Can we crank down the angry vibes a little?
What is that supposed to mean? I don't mean to take this off topic but neither should you.
You know damn well what I mean.
Found a new target already?

My my you just can't help yourself can you?
I cannot be bothered to put this into legal wording, but I wish to propose the repeal of the act that made Flemingovianism the official regional religion.

there is one simple reason for this; Romanoffia.

this forum is getting smashed by his "hammering" of Flemingovianism (his word, on IRC). I care about Flemingovianism, but I care more about this forum, and I am not prepared to see the continuation of the damage that is being done to this community by his attitude and action.

So I am throwing the towel in, rather than see more damage to TNP. I've had enough. And I think most of you have too.

Now Roman may call this a victory. that is fine. Let him. But I see it as a victory for bullying. Roman could have proposed a repeal himself, and he could have accepted the democratic will of the RA. Instead he chose to slug it out across the forum. That is causing too much damage for me to ignore it.

Cue post by Roman claiming that HE is the injured party. post away. I am sick of it.
First, I would like to commend you for bringing this proposal to the table.

Second, I would like to commend you for your tactic of trying to make this thread all about me.

Third, dissenting opinions concerning "Official State Religion" (no matter what religion it may be) will not go away. It will only grow as more people see the damage that having an "Official State Religion" does, not only the rights of others not of the Official State Religion, but by culturally limiting this region by the implication that other religions will be discriminated against. Again, the damage was done and perpetrated by the passage of a bill to recognize an Official State Religion. It would be total lunacy to think that it would be otherwise or that it would not create controversy. Mixing politics and religion and then making it official by law is a sure recipe for endless dissent, opposition and trouble in general.

The biggest proof that an "Official State Religion" is the proximate and root cause of this whole situation is perfectly illustrated by Alunya's most eloquent and concise letter of resignation from the Regional Assembly. She stated in so few words what I only wished I was capable of in terms of brevity.

Official State Religion caused a loss of great consequence to this region in the form of Alunya's resignation from the RA. That was caused by one thing and one thing only: the institutionalisation of an "Official State Religion". Her resignation letter is worth a good reading for anyone who is considerate enough to read it.

I do not wish to call this a victory other than if "Official State Religion" is repealed, it is a victory for civil liberties and the Constitutional right to freedom of religion in the region.

I feel you, Mr. Flemingovia, need to learn the purpose of a Consitution: to preserve the rights of individuals against assault of Democracy itself. You see, without a guiding Constitution, a democracy could vote to take away the rights of certain individuals and call it 'Democracy'. Fortunately, our Constitution was written to prevent democracy from turning into mob rule.

What if the citizens in the RA decided that the BOR should be abolished and we establish a dictatorship? Would that benefit anyone except a few elite rulers at the top of the heap? That would defeat not only the purpose of democracy, but would enable the 'will of the people' to deny rights and impose all manner of infamy and degradation upon the individual persons of this region. Unrestrained 'democratic will' is mob rule. It is a bunch of pitchfork and torch wielding rioters at best, and this is precisely why we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Yes, Alunya is 100% correct when she voiced her concerns over the fact that having any Official State Religion is a violation of the rights of the individual. She is correct that an Official State Religion produces a conflict of conscious. If one's RA oath requires one to support all laws of the region, excluding none, then that oath requires one to support an Official State Religion, no matter how harmless the wording of the law is, that one may not believe in. To be legally required to support an Offical State Religion in an egregious violation of the conscience of any individual. And Official State Religion is an affront to free thought.

The reason I did not propose such a repeal myself, despite the many people who requested me to do so, is because I wanted someone else to stand up and do what is right. And ironically, you have chosen to introduce the repeal.

I stand on the very same platform as does Alunya on the matter of Official State Religion and for exactly the same reasons. Rational democracies do not have state religions for all the obvious reasons.

In the interest of an informed electorate, it is my suggestion that you do not turn this into a forum to case aspersions upon me or make this bill proposal about me. I ask everyone to carefully thing about the consequences of passing a bill that creates an Official State Religion and the requisite consequences due to legitimate dissent over the concerns of such a disreputable thing as Official State Religion.

I ask everyone not to appease me or appease Flemingovia to determine which way you may vote on this proposal. Vote your conscience after weighing the facts about the trouble that ensues when you mix politics and religion in a government bowl. And more important, think about the rights of people who are not of the Official State Religion because you are requiring them to support the law that recognizes an Official State Religion.

And that is all I think I will say about this matter at this time.

“Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.”
------- Robert A. Heinlein
No. I don't. I would ask again what, as it pertains to this bill, do you mean exactly?
The only illegally admitted RA member (as far as I know).
This is extremely off topic and doesn't belong here. Let's leave this thread for only the debate on the repeal of the state religion bill.
Wow. The forum blew into a fit of rage in less than a hour.
Despite the fact I voted for the State Religion, and I agree it would give an undeserved victory for the opposers, I feel this is tearing the region apart.
I agree with Roman that a State Religion was a bad idea. But only because he made it that way.
And Official State Religion is an affront to free thought.

Rational democracies do not have state religions for all the obvious reasons.
You keep saying things like this.

What makes Argentina
Costa Rica
Vatican City
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
United Kingdom
Sri Lanka

All irrational democracies? Where is free thought 'affronted' in those nations?

The reason I did not propose such a repeal myself, despite the many people who requested me to do so, is because I wanted someone else to stand up and do what is right.

You didn't propose it yourself because you recognise that you're damaged goods in this region. Someone whose credibility has fallen so low because of your actions half the region would vote against a bill you had written even if it was the greatest thing to grace legislatures ever.
Wow. The forum blew into a fit of rage in less than a hour.
Despite the fact I voted for the State Religion, and I agree it would give an undeserved victory for the opposers, I feel this is tearing the region apart.
I agree with Roman that a State Religion was a bad idea. But only because he made it that way.
That is what happens when you turn your back on TNP for an hour.
This is extremely off topic and doesn't belong here. Let's leave this thread for only the debate on the repeal of the state religion bill.
Yep. Off topic, but TD wanted a clarification of my statement.
But the comparison is valid. This is beyond an IC issue now.
I would like a 3rd to oject to the shorting of the debate so any of those who are still uninformed have a chance to become informed and cast their votes
Wow. The forum blew into a fit of rage in less than a hour.
Despite the fact I voted for the State Religion, and I agree it would give an undeserved victory for the opposers, I feel this is tearing the region apart.
I agree with Roman that a State Religion was a bad idea. But only because he made it that way.
That is what happens when you turn your back on TNP for an hour.
I go to work and check the forum on my breaks and every break I think something new has happened.
Further admin note: Please tone down the vitriol on all sides. I think the admin team in particular is reaching the limits of our collective patience, and flooding the report CP is not going to be tolerated going forward as that conduct, too, is a form of abuse that can violate the ToU/ToS.

Now as a RA member, I also am like other members who oppose the concept of a state religion, and at a minimum Section 7.3 of the Legal Code needs amendment to remove some mandated elements to make it minimally tolerable. However, I have impatience with the gross bullying that has been going on so I'm not sure this vehicle is the way to aleiviate the serious issues in that law.

Section 7.3: Religious Observance
14. Flemingovianism shall be adopted as the a religion and church of The North Pacific.
15. All nations are guaranteed freedom of expression of all, any, or no religious belief, and that freedom shall not be curtailed.
16. The Flemingovian religion shall receive no governmental, financial or tax advantages through being the a religion of The North Pacific.
17. Holidays of the Flemingovian religion shall be observed permitted regionally, and all nations shall have the right to take a day off work, unpaid, on those holidays. Government officials are excluded from the effects of this clause.
18. No type of religious test shall ever be required of any nation to hold any governmental office or position.No nation shall serve on the cabinet or any other appointed or elected government position by virtue of their status in the Flemingovian religion.
19. Flemingovian officials may participate, as invited by the delegate, at all state functions.

Will Flem or other members consider this as a compromise?
I would like a 3rd to oject to the shorting of the debate so any of those who are still uninformed have a chance to become informed and cast their votes
As Deputy Speaker. I Encourage all members to go back and read all the 1st page posts. The Speaker misunderstood. There was no motion to shorten debate. Therefore no need to object.
Further admin note: Please tone down the vitriol on all sides. I think the admin team in particular is reaching the limits of our collective patience, and flooding the report CP is not going to be tolerated going forward as that conduct, too, is a form of abuse that can violate the ToU/ToS.

Now as a RA member, I also am like other members who oppose the concept of a state religion, and at a minimum Section 7.3 of the Legal Code needs amendment to remove some mandated elements to make it minimally tolerable. However, I have impatience with the gross bullying that has been going on so I'm not sure this vehicle is the way to aleiviate the serious issues in that law.

Section 7.3: Religious Observance
14. Flemingovianism shall be adopted as the a religion and church of The North Pacific.
15. All nations are guaranteed freedom of expression of all, any, or no religious belief, and that freedom shall not be curtailed.
16. The Flemingovian religion shall receive no governmental, financial or tax advantages through being the religion of The North Pacific.
17. Holidays of the Flemingovian religion shall be observed permitted regionally, and all nations shall have the right to take a day off work, unpaid, on those holidays. Government officials are excluded from the effects of this clause.
18. No type of religious test shall ever be required of any nation to hold any governmental office or position.No nation shall serve on the cabinet or any other appointed or elected government position by virtue of their status in the Flemingovian religion.
19. Flemingovian officials may participate, as invited by the delegate, at all state functions.

Will Flem or other member consider this as a compromise?
This is the best decision and compromise I have seen thus far. I feel like itll allow us to keep the Flem religion for those who want to participate in it, while calming us anti-state-religion people down, especially Roman, I urge you to accept this compromise.

I am for this,