Greetings From Rom


the Second Best Ron in the World
TNP Nation
Shalom TNP. I am Rom. I am a citizen currently in TEP, GRA, Lazarus, Balder, TRR, 10KI, and TWP. Anyways. thought I would swing in and say hello.
Hey. Thought I could use another forum to spam. :P
I probably will end up joining your Fantasy Football League. :P
Nickname(s)?: Rom, or in TEP it's sometimes ROM. :P
Main Nation?: Brandonian
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour(s)?:
Do you use IRC?: Yes.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Liberal.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Of course. :P
Welcome to TNP, Rom.
We're glad to have you in here. It's always good to have another person and furthermore another unique personality as part of the region.
Welcome again and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

~Tomb :)
Hi Rom! Welcome to TNP. How you find time for all those regions, I'll never know.
Quite simple. I have no life. :P
Malvad Acronis:
Hello! If you enjoy role play feel free to visit our role play area. Welcome to TNP! :)
For some reason, I've never really liked RP.