To amend ch 7 of the legal code as follows:
Red Ittalics reflects changes
I only provided the links to the seal and flag rather then insert them into the text because when I tried to copy the [ img ] code the images showed up too large. That part of the document should remain unaffected and the Seal and Flag images should still appear in this section.
Edit: edited out "TNP" added in "The North Pacific"
Section 7.1: Arms, Flag, Seal, and Mascots
2. The following arms as designed by ThelDRan and revised by Eluvatar and Gulliver is adopted as the coat of arms of the North Pacific:
Image of The Seal of The North Pacific.
3. Each institution in the North Pacific's government may establish for itself a seal which uses the arms of the North Pacific.
4. The arms of the North Pacific may not be used except to represent the North Pacific or an official regional entity.
5. The following flag, as designed by ThelDRan and revised by Eluvatar and Gulliver is adopted as the official flag of the North Pacific:
Image of The Flag of The North Pacific.
6.Mall shall be adopted as the official mascot of defenderism in The North Pacific. The following image shall represent Mall and his status as Offical Defender of The North Pacific:
All other clauses in chapter 7 shall be renumbered correctly.
Red Ittalics reflects changes
I only provided the links to the seal and flag rather then insert them into the text because when I tried to copy the [ img ] code the images showed up too large. That part of the document should remain unaffected and the Seal and Flag images should still appear in this section.
Edit: edited out "TNP" added in "The North Pacific"