Another Legal Code Chapter 7 amendment proposal.

To amend ch 7 of the legal code as follows:

Section 7.1: Arms, Flag, Seal, and Mascots

2. The following arms as designed by ThelDRan and revised by Eluvatar and Gulliver is adopted as the coat of arms of the North Pacific:

Image of The Seal of The North Pacific.

3. Each institution in the North Pacific's government may establish for itself a seal which uses the arms of the North Pacific.

4. The arms of the North Pacific may not be used except to represent the North Pacific or an official regional entity.

5. The following flag, as designed by ThelDRan and revised by Eluvatar and Gulliver is adopted as the official flag of the North Pacific:

Image of The Flag of The North Pacific.

6.Mall shall be adopted as the official mascot of defenderism in The North Pacific. The following image shall represent Mall and his status as Offical Defender of The North Pacific:


All other clauses in chapter 7 shall be renumbered correctly.

Red Ittalics reflects changes

I only provided the links to the seal and flag rather then insert them into the text because when I tried to copy the [ img ] code the images showed up too large. That part of the document should remain unaffected and the Seal and Flag images should still appear in this section.

Edit: edited out "TNP" added in "The North Pacific"
Im going to assume they're not proper responses and motion to not include them in the final transcripts of this discussion. This is serious business and I would appreciate not using your internet slang.

I like the bill because it's funny and makes a good point of irony. :clap:

And besides, Mall's avatar/Sig reminds me of a really good lawyer joke:

Q: Why don't sharks eat lawyers?

A: Professional courtesty. :P
An extensive google search has failed to uncover any precedent for this insertion from the legal code of any of the states that make up this great and glorious United States of America.

Since I can only support laws that are cut and pasted directly from the legal code of (preferably) Rhode Island or Missouri, i do not support this.

Cut and paste American stuff. It is the TNP way.
Using similar precedence as missouri here. Offical State Animal of Missouri I propose similar language for the Mall4FendaMascot bill.

Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 10
State Emblems
Section 10.110

August 28, 2013

Official animal.
10.110. The Missouri Mule, known for its strength, hardiness, intelligence and even temper, is selected for and shall be known as the official animal of the state of Missouri.

As Adopted for Purposes of TNP:

Legal Code

Chapter 7
Section 7.1: Arms, Flag, Seal, and Mascots

June 15th, 2014

Official Defender Mascot.
7.1.6 Mall known for his strength, intelligence, fair mindednesss, and dedication to The North Pacific shall be selected as the official mascot of defenderism in The North Pacific. The following image shall represent Mall and his status as Offical Defender of The North Pacific:


All other clauses in chapter 7 shall be renumbered correctly.
Great Bights Mum:
lel noep? what is that? is it even english?
Idiot Internet speak. Means 'no' basically.

'lel' is a variation of LOL (laughing out loud) and is usually used in a satirical or demeaning form. Its also Dutch slang for some kind of expletive.

'noep' is just an intentional mispelling of nope. Used to imply that what that person is asking or suggesting is ridiculous or ludicrous.
Great Bights Mum:
Thank you. I do hope our Speaker will now allow "lel noep" votes on future bills before the RA.
We need to pass a bill so that 'lel noep' is a suitable substitute for 'Nay'. But I diverge.

@ Nierr - the origin of "lel" as a derisive form of "lol". It's sort of like saying, "Oh, my!" like George Tekai. It also has a nasty street-slang meaning in Dutch and Frisian when used as an 'aside' comment under one's breath. :P

Carry on.
That 1% outranks the 99% though, we need more serious legislation. Fun and games should just stay on the IRC.
That 1% outranks the 99% though, we need more serious legislation. Fun and games should just stay on the IRC.
You don't really understand how things work here do you :P