Adara V. Wright
Kantrias Update: March -- May

Royal Family
King Caldemar Fairy Leutria Quilor
Magenta Fairy, Queen Mother
Princess Sara Lucky Leutria Quilor
Cerian Basileus Rex Quilor Anacreoni-Anumia I, former King of Kantrias
Eliora Lockwood, former Queen of Kantrias
Roman Pearce, former prince
Magenta Fairy, Queen Mother
Princess Sara Lucky Leutria Quilor
Cerian Basileus Rex Quilor Anacreoni-Anumia I, former King of Kantrias
Eliora Lockwood, former Queen of Kantrias
Roman Pearce, former prince
Government Executives
Curator of the Institute: Jimothy Wilbur Edelweiss Wright
The Director: Bharat
High Marshal: King Cerian Quilor
First Commissioner: Adara Vidalia Wright
The Director: Bharat
High Marshal: King Cerian Quilor
First Commissioner: Adara Vidalia Wright
Kantrias Senate
Jimothy Wilbur Edelweiss Wright
Adara Vidalia Wright
Adara Vidalia Wright

“Cerian as you all know was the founder of our glorious region, having founded it from nothing, working tireless hours to recruit in the days before scripts were allowed and stamps existed,” King Caldemar said in a statement. “ Much of the city's layout as you see it today was planned by him, and his fingerprints are on almost every Kantrian tradition. We also should remember his strong views on not having an all-powerful monarchy, making sure right from Kantrias' beginning that the Senate's ability to overrule his veto was enshrined in the constitution, and not overstepping his legal limits when things were not going his way. He further ensured Kantrias has a strong Imperialist tradition, as another way to foster activity in the region, to promote cooperation between Kantrias and her sister Imperialist regions, and to project our image onto the world stage.”
Cerian will be sorely missed and remembered as a benevolent and involved monarch of Kantrias. All allies of Kantrias are hereby invited to the Apple Blossom Festival of June 21 to 28, which will begin with a memorial funeral for the king. The festival will close with the royal coronation of our new king.
Senate Activity increases substantially after 17th senate by-election
Since the 17th senate elections of March ended in an April by-election, senate activity has notably increased and maintained its momentum.
The 17th senate began with anticipation of how the first all-novice senate in years would fare. The three novices elected a Speaker--the newest Kantrias member of them, Victorious People--to lead the senate through what they hoped would be a productive and efficient term. Unfortunately, Victorious disappeared shortly after he became Speaker, before even electing a Deputy Speaker, bringing senate activity to a halt.
The by-election candidates were Jimothy Wright, senator in nearly every term and well respected; and Teach, a much less experienced but more radical citizen who Kantrias had not seen much of until the beginning of the by-election.

Teach generated the most activity with his near-treasonous campaign, promising citizens that with a place in the senate he would severely reduce the powers of the king and give them to elected officials only. Despite his passion, Teach did not secure a place in the senate and disappeared shortly afterwards.
In the 18th senate elections, Kantrias enjoyed a quicker and wider turnout with five candidates: Jimothy Wright, experienced senator Jefferson Pierce, second-termers Adara Vidalia Wright and Datford-Zyvetskistaahn, and brand-new citizen Peonogsiokivlioploteyorkog. With four senate seats, only one senator would be excluded. Unfortunately for Peon, he did not receive a seat in the senate, gaining only 6.25 percent of the vote. Jimothy Wright, Datford-Zyvetskistaahn, and Adara Wright continued the pattern of activity, although Pierce was unfortunately unable to join them.
The most recent 19th senate, made up of both Wrights and Senator Bharat, has managed to pass two Acts, an amendment, a treaty, and several governmental nominations and elections, including the recent mayoral election in which Datford claimed the position. The senators have focused their attention on completing the reconstruction of the Criminal Code, which the 16th senate first began. They have also continued to pave the way for fresh new ideas using path-opening legislation.
Kantrias Accedes to the Third Monarchist Treaty

Recently several monarchist regions came together in The Land of Kings and Emperors for support and to revise the treaty between several monarchs of NationStates. Kantrias acceded, realizing that the treaty provided a valuable opportunity for closer relations with other monarchist regions. Kantrias has since refocused its foreign policy on actively upholding all of the treaties in which it has agreed.
A New Term for Kantrias Ministries Begins

The region's senators have undertaken the responsibility of maintaining some of the most important sectors of Kantrian society in this most recent new term for ministries. The Curator of the Institute, who maintains the region's cultural pursuits; the First Commissioner, who maintains the region's foreign relations; and the Director of the Agency, who ensures the well-being of new arrivals and mentors them in finding their place in Kantrias, are now Bharat, Jimothy Wright, and Adara Wright, respectively. The newly inducted ministers have immediately begun their work in the respective ministries. Citizens are confident these efforts will continue to improve the region's structure, activity, and growth potential.
Housing District Booms / Discussions of the Arts commence/ Posting Race Revitalizes Old Activity

The housing district attracted several new homeowners and visitors over the last several terms. Citizens discussed topics ranging from philosophy to culinary arts, and consequently served to foster the sense of community in the region.
Such conversations were not limited to the housing district, however. The Outer City of Kantrias, always known for its more artistic themes, has continued to maintain its reputation as citizens gather there every day to discuss both Kantrian and outside current event trends.
After Adara Wright suggested a posting challenge, her father Jimothy Wright took her offer and subsequently began a race that would not only last for approximately two months, but would also be the resurrection of several old and forgotten Kantrias paths. In their efforts to reach 500 more posts before each other, they eventually found they needed more places of activity and began pulling threads from many months past back to the region's surface. The successes of many of these old paths, as well as the effects the race had on the region culturally, may inspire other citizens to embark on similar challenges. Adara won the race five posts ahead of her father.