Magicality City, June 3rd, 2014
Statement on the Capture of Nazi Europe
During the last major update, a military coalition lead by the North Pacific Army (NPA) successfully seized control of the region Nazi Europe, in an operation jointly coordinated by General Blue Wolf II of the NPA and Commander Christopher Bishop of the United Imperial Armed Forces. Participating in the coalition were the Imperial Sovereign Realms Army, the Europeian Republican Navy, Lone Wolves United, and the Royal Kantrian Army.
Following the repeal of the Liberate Nazi Europe resolution in February 2014, the delegate of Nazi Europe was able to impose a password on the region in order to protect it from external aggression. Blue Wolf II, however, successfully recovered the password. Within a few hours, the coalition of forces was assembled, the plan of attack was drawn out, and the mission was carried out. The operation was a powerful demonstration of interregional cooperation against the spread of the hateful ideology of Nazism in NationStates.
Over the past few years, we in The North Pacific have repeatedly reaffirmed our own strong commitment to the cause against Nazism. We have done so in multiple capacities. We have been among the major contributors to interregional conferences focusing on how to best combat its spread, such as in Empires of Earth and the pan-GCR conference hosted by the New Pacific Order. We have had a consistent voting record in the World Assembly opposing this ideology, including voting in support of LIberate Nazi Europe and against the several attempts to repeal it. Last but not least, we have lead or participated in multiple military operations against regions espousing this reprehensible ideology, including prior attempts against Nazi Europe.
Consistent with our prior record, we are now elated to have lead the military effort to capture Nazi Europe, and we remain ever committed to the cause against Nazism in NationStates.
Delegate of The North Pacific