Applications for the Executive Staff


Executive Staff FAQ and Applications

What is the Executive Staff?
Executive Staff is the body of residents and citizens that are employed by one or more of the Ministries of the Executive Government. It is essentially The North Pacific's equivalent of a civil service. The Executive Staff provides a direct path for residents to get involved in the Executive Government. It is ideal both for new residents who want to gain experience in how the government operates, and for experienced citizens who are looking to contribute to the region though the Executive.

What Ministries are there and what do people do in them?
There are currently seven Ministries, of which six employ residents through the Executive Staff: Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, WA Affairs, Communications, Radio, and Culture. The names alone should provide a rough idea of what each Ministry does. In the second part of this post, there are details about the various job opportunities within each Ministry.

How do I join?
Glad to see that you decided to join! Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Meet the requirements. There are only two and very simple requirements. First, you need to have a nation in The North Pacific. Second, you need to have an account registered in this forum. And that's all. (Some Ministries may require Citizenship or an Admin Check to join)

Step 2: Make sure to read the second part of this post. There, you will find detailed descriptions of the various jobs available within each Ministry. By consulting those, you can decide which Ministry interests you the most. You can join more than one Ministry, but make sure you have enough time to commit.

Step 3: Fill out an application and post it in this thread. The application is as follows:
Nation in The North Pacific:
Ministry you are interested in joining:
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Discord Username (if applicable):
You can apply for more than one Ministries by submitting multiple applications. Once you have applied, the Delegate will review your application and inform you of the result, usually within 48 hours.

How do I show off that I am in the Executive Staff?
Excellent question! All members of the Executive Staff get to display the following cool banners in their signatures, depending on which Ministry or Ministries they are a member of. If you are a member of multiple Ministries, you are strongly encouraged to use the small versions of the banners.

Home Affairs
Foreign Affairs
World Assembly Affairs

Are there other ways to get involved in the Government?
We strongly encourage you to apply for citizenship. This allows you to vote in elections and stand for office. It also allows you to legislate, by taking part in the Regional Assembly. In addition to legislating, this also allows you to vote in elections and stand for office. You can look here for more details.

If you are interested in learning about the exciting aspect of the game that is military gameplay, you can join the North Pacific Army. By becoming a member, you can help protect the region and our interests abroad. You can learn more about it here.

If you are interested in the World Assembly, you can join Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. There, we discuss and vote on all resolutions going to vote, and we also discuss and provide feedback on drafts. You can learn more about it here.

I still have questions!
If you have questions about the Executive Staff in general, feel free to contact Delegate @Picairn. If you have questions about a specific Ministry, then do not hesitate to contact the respective Minister---they are listed below next to each Ministry. If you have questions about citizenship or the North Pacific Army, please look here and here, respectively.

Job Opportunities Within Each Ministry


Ministry of Home Affairs - Minister @Caius

Recruiter: TNP is a large region and has always had a large influx of new nations. However, the Frontier & Stronghold update has drastically reduced these spawns, so now have to look for further specific recruitment opportunities. Telegram lists (recruiting by sending individual telegrams) are currently being used. In the future, we are planning to recruit manually using a specific bot.

Welcome Wagon: This is used to welcome, guide and initially integrate new members into our community. The staff are divided into three areas, the Discord, Forum and Gameside Welcome Wagon. On Discord there are regularly new members who are welcomed and greeted personally by a direct message. The goal is integration and a successful Discord mentor relationship. Gameside is very busy with new nations, who are being welcomed and introduced in several daily RMB posts by the Minister, usually without interaction. Staffers, on the other hand, can welcome and guide them further. Our forum receives more than a dozen new members a week and these members often need help learning about the opportunities and the things to do in The North Pacific. Our mentoring program assigns each of our mentors to a few mentees as soon as they join. You will get to meet new nations and will find it to be a very rewarding experience.

Birthday Party Striker Group: Almost every day there is a member of the TNP who has a birthday. Sweeten their day and wish them a Happy Birthday. Nothing required!

Resource Review: Help to improve the partially outdated and outmoded infrastructure of TNP and keep it modern. Creativity, knowledge of design programs and BBC code are especially wished for. However, most important is the good will to work on the huge infrastructure of our region!

Gameside Advocates (GA): The first line of communication between the Nationstates Region and the executive government. GA's engage the regional message board community by directing them to the various opportunities within the game and the region, keeping the community informed of events and messages from the government, and keeps the government informed of trends and request from the gameside community. The GA's also keep the regional RolePlay Moderators and Communication Officers informed of any community rule violations. Please notify the current Home Affairs Minister about your interest privately. Especially activity and a friendly RMB Behaviour is necessary!
Requirements: Discord, Activity on the RMB, willingness to regularly post advertisements

Any resident can apply to join the Ministry. Please also fill out this roll call, so we can mask you accordingly. Send it into the current roll call thread, or have it ready to show a Deputy or the Minister. If you have further questions, please contact the Minister or his current Deputies, @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Petronellania.
Nation in The North Pacific:
Discord Username:

Mark X in the boxes for each thing you are interested in this term:
[ ] Recruiting (Telegram Lists, Manual Recruitment, ...)
[ ] Mentor (Forum, Discord and Gameside)
[ ] Birthday Messages
[ ] Reviewing Resources (telegrams, dispatches etc.)


Ministry of Culture - Minister @Halsoni

Gameplay Department: If you are interested in helping with games and activities, such as movie watching, online games, awards, seminars, and everything in between this is the area for you! This is also the area for you if you're interested in helping with larger events, whether domestic or foreign. Events are a huge part of the Ministry of Culture, and require careful planning and implementation as well as new ideas and creativity.

Roleplay Department: This subsection of the Culture Ministry is responsible for promoting the offsite roleplay community in-game, showcasing the work of our RPers, providing supporting infrastructure to the RP moderators, organizing roleplay events, cooperating with the RP moderators and the Ministry of Communications to write and release the Roleplay Reel, and to release RP-related NBS shows!


Ministry of Communications - Minister @Kaschovia

Staff Writer in The Northern Lights: The Northern Lights is the official newspaper of The North Pacific, and it is a global publication with a focus on relevant and timely articles. The exact subject area will be determined after discussion with the Minister of Communications, based on your own interests and on the current staffing needs. You will be expected to submit an article of roughly 1250 words once every two months. Your articles should include relevant and interesting analysis. You can expect that your articles will be edited by senior Editorial Staff. This is done to enhance the professionalism of the newspaper and to provide a learning experience for newer writers.

Northern Broadcast Service: NBS is the official YouTube channel of The North Pacific, and is designed as a podcast to spread information both within the region and around the world. NBS hosts news shows, feature series, bulletins, and newcomer tutorials. As a staff member of NBS, you will help write podcast scripts, help schedule podcasts and interviews, and broadcast your voice over the air. The Ministry is currently opening applications for all staff level positions.

Collaborative Design Team: Graphics folks should be available to design logos, banners, and other images on an as-needed basis. Work will likely be intermittent and highly varied, so flexibility is good to have!


Ministry of World Assembly Affairs - Minister @Jinkies

WA Affairs Staff: If you are interested in anything World Assembly (WA)-related - whether that be writing and discussing WA proposals or assisting with managing WA-related business- this is the Ministry for you! WA Affairs staffers assist the Minister and Deputies with developing voting opinions in the form of the Ministry's Information for WA Voters publications. Applications are accepted by the Minister or one of their Deputies. One should have a Resident/Citizenship nation, as well as be able to frequently access Discord, as most of the discussion will be done on Discord.

Project Teams: The Ministry currently employs two Project Teams, including Accelerator Program staff (who offer feedback, mentor and assist with Accelerator Program submissions), and Heroes staff (who work on the Heroes of Valhalla initiative). WA Affairs staffers may join as many Project Teams as they wish.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Minister @Chipoli

Ambassador: The face of The North Pacific's foreign affairs, ambassadors are sent to other regions to represent TNP in an official capacity. Ambassadors relay communications from TNP to their assigned regions, and are charged with reporting on the political happenings within them. Being an ambassador is a position of responsibility, as the actions of ambassadors reflect on TNP, and sensitive information is discussed in the foreign ministry.

Analyst: Analysts are TNP's eyes and ears towards the broader NS world. They advise the government on foreign policy and analyse (hence the name) the actions of foreign powers. As sensitive discussions occur among the analysts, citizenship is required, but applications from all citizens are welcome.

Please note: Discord is required for all positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Last edited by a moderator:
Nation in The North Pacific: Nierr
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Culture Minister in both Balder and Osiris

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Leekem
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs as a mentor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Well as you've seen from my many campaigns topics encouraging newcomers and showing them the ropes of TNP has always been my focus. I'm sure that as part of the executive staff that I could use these skills to excel, because I already on my own part issues telegrams to new nations.

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific:Aurora orb
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture as RolePlay Mod
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Not sure about experience that but I do constantly participate in Roleplays in TSP and Osiris

EDIT: Processed.

Nation in The North Pacific:Aurora orb
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs as Mentor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I'm a mentor in Osiris
Nation in The North Pacific: [me]
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Communication--Staff Writer In the Northern Lights.
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:This is what I am trying to create. Currently, I am familiar with TNP laws and I am a participant in the RA, NPA, and DipCorps, but I am trying to expand my governmental experience.

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific:[me]
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs--Mentor for New Forum Members.
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:This is what I am trying to create. Currently, I am familiar with TNP laws and I am a participant in the RA, NPA, and DipCorps, but I am trying to expand my governmental experience.

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific:Geniva
Ministry you are interested in joining:Home affairs mentor Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: Punk Daddy
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none that I recall.

Edit: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific:Lajikstan
Ministry you are interested in joining:Home Affairs as a Recruiter
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:None

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific:Geniva
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home affairs mentor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: nope
As a note, the Minister of Communications is away for a couple of days, so those of you applying there will need to wait for his return.
Nation in The North Pacific:Lajikstan
Ministry you are interested in joining:Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:None
Nation in The North Pacific:Geniva
Ministry you are interested in joining:Home Affairs as a Recruiter
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:Nope
Nation in The North Pacific: The Republic of Kevaren
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications and/or Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, although I have some experience in journalistic writing.

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific:Lajikstan
Ministry you are interested in joining:Culture as Staff in the North Pacific University
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:None

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Principality of Legington
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture as a staff in the North Pacific University
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I have attended university in real life, so I understand how to organise a lecture

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Salataia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None; currently researching TNP history so I can compile it into an official book.

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: The Kingdom of Airella
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Ambassador to Spiritus
Nation in the North Pacific: Renadia
Ministry Interested In: Foreign Affairs
Experience: None
As a note, the Minister of Communications is away for a couple of days, so those of you applying there will need to wait for his return.
Hi looking forward to participating in this ministry. Will applications to this ministry be processed soon?
Nation in The North Pacific: Egalotir
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
In real life I was raised in Europe, and moved to the United States. I have experience in learning a new language, cultural barriers, etc. I will be able to familiarize myself with any foreign affairs task given to me. I also have extensive communication skills as well as charming charisma.

Thank you.

punk d:
As a note, the Minister of Communications is away for a couple of days, so those of you applying there will need to wait for his return.
Hi looking forward to participating in this ministry. Will applications to this ministry be processed soon?
The Minister has had to take a leave for a few additional days because of some unexpected RL circumstances. I will make sure the applications get processed as soon as he's back to full activity.
Nation in The North Pacific: The New Great Rapture
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: The Ninety-Nine Percent
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ambassador in the Diplomatic Corps
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None. My nation is but a day old, but it is full of enlightened, experienced, and free-thinking persons. We've just recently voted to change our Free Land's flag to a more appropriate representation of the North-Pacific's geography.
Nation in the North Pacific: Mollylandia
Ministry Interested In: Home Affairs
Experience: Sorry None :shrug:
punk d:
As a note, the Minister of Communications is away for a couple of days, so those of you applying there will need to wait for his return.
Hi looking forward to participating in this ministry. Will applications to this ministry be processed soon?
The Minister has had to take a leave for a few additional days because of some unexpected RL circumstances. I will make sure the applications get processed as soon as he's back to full activity.
Hey r3n, any new update?
Nation in The North Pacific: Satvahan
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home or foreign
(Optional) Previous Experience: None but I am getting trained to work in real government.
punk d:
punk d:
As a note, the Minister of Communications is away for a couple of days, so those of you applying there will need to wait for his return.
Hi looking forward to participating in this ministry. Will applications to this ministry be processed soon?
The Minister has had to take a leave for a few additional days because of some unexpected RL circumstances. I will make sure the applications get processed as soon as he's back to full activity.
Hey r3n, any new update?
Nation in The North Pacific: Siam Meow
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Professional Fishmonger

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Kingdom of Space
Ministry your are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs
Previous Experience in this area of government: None Sorry

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Angels Will Fall
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I've written for a few NS newspapers here and there, nothing significant.

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: -Olympus-
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I have just joined, so none.
Nation in The North Pacific: Capt Pegleg Industries
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Regional Government Member, WA Member, NPA Member

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: Hudaman
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs

EDIT: Processed.
Nation in The North Pacific: The Eleven United Provinces
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former Minister of Culture in the Land of Kings and Emperors, and junior moderator of the Genesis Initiative (an LKE Roleplay)
Tywin Harrowstorm:
Nation in The North Pacific: The Eleven United Provinces
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former Minister of Culture in the Land of Kings and Emperors, and junior moderator of the Genesis Initiative (an LKE Roleplay)
I'm quite busy right now, expect me to get back to you in a few (3-4) days, if not longer.
Storm, Capt. Pegleg, and HuAT -I'd like to accept you. I am just trying to get some of the permissions sorted so I can invite you to the home affairs group and get in contact with r3n and DD (he is still the minister until Aug 1.) But Id really like to get you guys to work as soon as I possibly can. Hold tight.

Edit: Proccessed Storm, Capt. PegLeg, hUAt
Welcome to Home Affairs!
Nation in The North Pacific: San Martin De Porres
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: While my time with TNP is new, I have a vast experience working with diplomats. I currently work at an embassy and am familiar with diplomatic problems and creating diplomatic solutions. I strive for perfection and I know TNP will gain much from me.

Nation in The North Pacific: Grand Republic of Freedonia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None