Applications for the Executive Staff

I have been given permission by Delegate Raven to approve non-residents and non-citizens so long as they have applied for one of the two.

All applicants for Home Affairs are approved and will be added to the ministry posthaste.
Nation in The North Pacific: Sergionova
Ministry you are interested in joining:Home Affairs,Foreign Affairs, Communications, Education
Previous experience in this area of government:none in NS, i'm a journalist though
Nation in The North Pacific: Sergionova
Ministry you are interested in joining:Home Affairs,Foreign Affairs, Communications, Education
Previous experience in this area of government:none in NS, i'm a journalist though
Approved for Home Affairs
Nation in TNP: Realm of Councilry
Ministry interested in: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Experience: founded the region of Rivenfar, other than that, none.
Nation in The North Pacific: Skyviolia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: Mediterranean Lands
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
Hopefully as a WALL
Nation in The North Pacific: The Undead Union
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
Previous experience in this area of government: I'm relatively active in the RMB. I'd like to write about weekly or monthly RMB happenings.

I'm also still waiting on a WA ministry application. That's still something I'm interested in.
Nation in The North Pacific: Skyviolia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: Flying Dutchman1
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: Flying Dutchman1
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: Keshian Empire
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific: Francovania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Ambassador in the Diplomatic Corps
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I used to be the Ambassador to Lazarus the New Inquisition, Independent Order and Stargate.
Nation in The North Pacific: Francovania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs- Recruiter of nations in The North Pacific
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Currently Home Affairs Mentor
Nation in The North Pacific: Francovania
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs- World Assembly Legislative League Staff and World Assembly Advisor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, but has a knowledge bank of the WA
Nation in The North Pacific: Akhand India
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Ministry
Nation in TNP: Realm of Councilry
Ministry interested in: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Experience: founded the region of Rivenfar, other than that, none.

Flying Dutchman1:
Nation in The North Pacific: Flying Dutchman1
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:

Nation in The North Pacific: Keshian Empire
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Nation in The North Pacific: Francovania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Ambassador in the Diplomatic Corps
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I used to be the Ambassador to Lazarus the New Inquisition, Independent Order and Stargate.

All approved.
Nation in The North Pacific: Akhand India
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Ministry

Please apply for residential status or citizenship, first.

Nation in The North Pacific: Francovania
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs- World Assembly Legislative League Staff and World Assembly Advisor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, but has a knowledge bank of the WA

Approved for WA.

Flying Dutchman1:
Nation in The North Pacific: Flying Dutchman1
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:


Nation in The North Pacific: The Undead Union
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
Previous experience in this area of government: I'm relatively active in the RMB. I'd like to write about weekly or monthly RMB happenings.

I'm also still waiting on a WA ministry application. That's still something I'm interested in.

Approved. Can you link the WA App?

Nation in The North Pacific: Mediterranean Lands
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
Hopefully as a WALL


Nation in The North Pacific: Incensed Ice Cube

Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: ^ as well as Minister of Culture in United Kingdom and a number of smaller UCRs over the years.

Approved for Culture - I believe the other two have already been accepted.
Nation in The North Pacific: Aaaah Snaaaake
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs- World Assembly Legislative League Staff and World Assembly Advisor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Current WA member and previous experience in debating and also reading proposals for consistency and coherence.
Nation in The North Pacific: Praeceps
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Culture and Entertainment
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None pertaining to NS.
It's been over three weeks; could I possibly get an update?
Nation in The North Pacific: Captain Yuno
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture :D
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I'm not interested in anything else except this, I'm only here for fun and RP and cultury stuff.
Nation in the North Pacific: Nalaq
Ministry interested in : Education
Experience: none
Executive Staff FAQ and Applications
What is the Executive Staff?
Executive Staff is the body of citizens that are employed by one or more of the Ministries of the Executive Government. It is essentially The North Pacific's equivalent of a civil service. The Executive Staff provides a direct path for citizens to get involved in the Executive Government. It is ideal both for new citizens who want to gain experience in how the government operates, and for experienced citizens who are looking to contribute to the region though the Executive.

What Ministries are there and what do people do in them?
There are currently seven Ministries, of which five employ citizens through the Executive Staff: Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Communications, Culture, and Education. The names alone should provide a rough idea of what each Ministry does. In the second part of this post, there are details about the various job opportunities within each Ministry.

How do I join?
Glad to see that you decided to join! Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Meet the requirements. There are only two and very simple requirements. First, you need to have a nation in The North Pacific. Second, you need to have an account registered in this forum. And that's all.

Step 2: Make sure to read the second part of this post. There, you will find detailed descriptions of the various jobs available within each Ministry. By consulting those, you can decide which Ministry interests you the most.

Step 3: Fill out an application and post it in this thread. The application is as follows:
Nation in The North Pacific:
Ministry you are interested in joining:
 (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
You can apply for more than one Ministries by submitting multiple applications. Once you have applied, the Delegate will review your application and inform you of the result, usually within 48 hours.

How do I show off that I am in the Executive Staff?
Excellent question! All members of the Executive Staff get to display the following cool banners in their signatures, depending on which Ministry or Ministries they are a member of. If you are a member of multiple Ministries, you are strongly encouraged to use the small versions of the banners.

Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Education
Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
Large version
Small version
Button version

Are there other ways to get involved in the Government?
We strongly encourage you to apply for citizenship. This allows you to vote in elections and stand for office. It also allows you to legislate, by taking part in the Regional Assembly. In addition to legislating, this also allows you to vote in elections and stand for office. You can look here for more details.

If you are interested in learning about the exciting aspect of the game that is military gameplay, you can join the North Pacific Army. By becoming a member, you can help protect the region and our interests abroad. You can learn more about it here.

If you are interested in the World Assembly, you can join Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. There, we discuss and vote on all resolutions going to vote, and we also discuss and provide feedback on drafts. You can learn more about it here.

I still have questions!
If you have questions about the Executive Staff in general, feel free to contact Delegate Lord Ravenclaw. If you have questions about a specific Ministry, then do not hesitate to contact the respective Minister---they are listed below next to each Ministry. If you have questions about citizenship or the North Pacific Army, please look here and here, respectively.

Job Opportunities Within Each Ministry


Ministry of Home Affairs - Minister RPI

Recruiter of nations in The North Pacific: The North Pacific has over 8000 nations, but only a few dozens of them are active on the forum. One of the functions of the Ministry of Home Affairs is to encourage as many of these nations as possible to join the forum, so that they can enjoy the full experience of The North Pacific. As a Recruiter, you will be expected to maintain a regular presence on the Regional Messaging Board, where you will be posting to promote forum membership and involvement. Furthermore, you will be contacting nations by telegram, to invite them to join the forum and assist them with any issues they may encounter in the process. Good communication skills are required for both of these functions. You will also need to make a considerable time commitment towards watching and participating in the game-side aspects of The North Pacific. Of course, this also means that you get to engage with the entire nation population of The North Pacific, which as you will discover is a very enjoyable experience.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Minister Myroria

Ambassador in the Diplomatic Corps: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains a presence for The North Pacific abroad by establishing embassies in other regions. Each embassy is run by its own ambassador, and by joining the Diplomatic Corps you can also become one. As an ambassador, you will be a diplomat representing The North Pacific abroad. You will be expected to deliver any materials provided to you by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Delegate, and keep an eye out for anything in your assigned region that may be of interest to The North Pacific. Of course, you will need to conduct yourself in a manner appropriate to a diplomat at all times. Being an Ambassador is a great way to get exposure to different regional cultures, meet new people, and make a name for yourself interregionally.


Ministry of Communications - Minister Antarticeuropa

Staff Writer in The Northern Lights: The Northern Lights is the official newspaper of The North Pacific, and it is a global publication with a focus on events relating to The North Pacific. As a Staff Writer in The Northern Lights, you will be writing articles in specific subject areas, e.g., foreign affairs, judicial news, legislative affairs, and so on. The exact area will be determined after discussion with the Minister of Communications, based on your own interests and on the current staffing needs. You will be expected to submit an article of roughly 400 words at least every two weeks. Your articles should be factual in nature, and include relevant and interesting analysis. You can expect that your articles will be edited by senior Editorial Staff. This is done because your articles will be representing the views of the Government of The North Pacific, and also as a learning experience for newer writers.


Ministry of Culture and Entertainment - Minister The Grim Reaper

Culture Organizer: As a Culture Organizer, it will be your job to assist the Minister in planning and hosting cultural events, holiday celebrations, and many other things. You can suggest ideas for the Weekly RMB Topic and nominate and vote for Factbooks to be featured in Stories of TNP. You can also submit ideas for new Cultural Events and ideas for improving the Ministry in the "Idea Box".


Ministry of Education - Minister Bootsie

Staff in The North Pacific University: The North Pacific University is the regional institution of learning. It works to document the history of The North Pacific, and provide expert material on various subject areas. As a member of the University staff, you will be expected to research NationStates forums and produce compilations informative of the regional and interregional history. You will be helping run, or be running on your own, classes on NationStates subjects that you have expertise in. You will be producing material and delivering seminars on topics that interest a large number of members of The North Pacific.

Trivia Question Writer: Starting next term, the Education Ministry plans to start a new RMB trivia game based on TNP history, in which staff members will write the questions. As a writer, you will be expected to create questions of your own to be used and to proofread other staff members questions. Because some members would prefer to participate in the game, the section for trivia is separate from Education HQ and is passworded. If you wish to be a writer, make it clear on your application that you would like to do so.


Ministry of World Assembly Affairs - Minister Mousebumples

World Assembly Legislative League Staff: The World Assembly Legislative League (WALL) was started a number of months ago, but unfortunately, has not been used to its full potential as of yet. This term, the WA Affairs Ministry will work to revitalize this area and make our influence felt on WA matters across NationStates. The Ministry will be conducting a World Assembly 101 course - covering both the General Assembly and the Security Council - to improve the knowledge base of citizens within TNP. (Note: Ministry membership is not required to take the WA 101 coursework.) The Ministry will aim to make the TNP forums a location where authors come to draft their resolutions, and in order to encourage such efforts, Ministry members are encouraged to offer constructive criticism and other feedback on these drafts.

World Assembly Advisor: The World Assembly can be a complex organization to understand, especially for newer players or for those that are less familiar with the World Assembly, in general. The Ministry of WA Affairs seeks to offer voting recommendations on each WA resolution to come to vote and also distributes Information for WA Voters to all WA nations within The North Pacific. Members of the Ministry of WA Affairs are encouraged to participate in the aforementioned WA 101 courses, so they can offer informed opinions in our regional voting threads.

Nation in The North Pacific:YoussefStan
Ministry you are interested in joining:Foreign Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific:The Incorporated States of CiceroWise
Ministry you are interested in joining: The World Assembly Ministry
Nation in The North Pacific: Praeceps
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:
Nation in The North Pacific: Celasur
Ministry you are interested in joining: Education (any)
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none, but I have had a long history with TNP.
Nation in The North Pacific:Socio Polor
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:I really never heard of this ministry before, but I was the WAD of a region before
Nation in The North Pacific: Celasur
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none, but I have had a long history with TNP and am active in the WA.
Nation in The North Pacific: The Empire Of The Big Apple
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Previously in this department, under previous mentorship.
Nation in The North Pacific: Praeceps
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Culture and Entertainment
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None pertaining to NS.
Nation in the North Pacific: Freiheit-Gesetz
Ministry Interested In: Ministry of World Assemble Affairs
Experience: Creating Resolution(s) for Selective Industrial Comm. in Industry tab.