Applications for the Executive Staff

Nation in The North Pacific:Geniva
Ministry you are interested in joining:Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Was once The North Pacific ambassador to The Allied Republic don't know if this helps currently studying international relations,economics and law in university?
Nation in The North Pacific: The Empire of Hayoc
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None..)

SD: Processed!
Nation in The North Pacific: The Empire of Hayoc
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None..)
Accepted! Welcome to WA Affairs!

I'll send you a PM with more information once you've posted a third time. Consider making a post in The Agora to introduce yourself to everyone!
Ryccia and Junie are accepted, welcome to the team!

Geniva, just waiting for you to gain citizenship masking.
Nation in The North Pacific: Xagill
Ministry you are interested in joining: Cultural Affairs - Graphics Officer
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Siwale
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Captain Yuno
Ministry you are interested in joining: Diplomatic Corp
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: guy taught me stuff
Nation in The North Pacific: Guy III
Ministry you are interested in joining: MoWAA
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I've been Del of a couple of large regions

SD: Processed!
Nation in The North Pacific: ABC
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Advisor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I've been in the WA for several months and have actively voted on resolutions.

SD: Processed!
Nation in The North Pacific: ABC
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Advisor
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I've been in the WA for several months and have actively voted on resolutions.
Welcome aboard!
Nation in The North Pacific:Havelu
Ministry you are interested in joining:Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:None
Nation in The North Pacific: That People Do not Care About
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific:Havelu
Ministry you are interested in joining:Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:None
Approved, welcome to the team :) Make sure to check out the TNP Discord chat.

@pandapig12: You have to obtain citizenship first - I will process your application once you have.
Nation in The North Pacific: Southeast Caligula
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
Previous experience in this area of government: None

SD: Processed!
Nation in The North Pacific: Siwale
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Siwale
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Accepted, welcome to the Ministry, Siwale!
Nation in the North Pacific: Conantia
Ministry Interested in: Home Affairs
Government experience: none at all :P I want to work my way up to become a well known nation over here!
Nation in The North Pacific: Lands of Anarchy
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Communication.
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None.

I think this failed to get processed a while back, so just making sure.
Mystery Player:
Nation in The North Pacific: Lands of Anarchy
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Communication.
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None.

I think this failed to get processed a while back, so just making sure.
Accepted, I'll add you now.
Nation in The North Pacific: Southeast Caligula
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
Previous experience in this area of government: None
Accepted. Welcome to the team!
Nation in The North Pacific:The Republic of Agron and Nespia
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in The North Pacific: Sankami
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications, Home Affairs
Previous experience: ...I was in yearbook once?
Nation in The North Pacific: Sankami
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications, Home Affairs
Previous experience: ...I was in yearbook once?
Accepted and added to joinable group.
Brendogs and ABC Accepted.

For both of you, please send me some sort of examples of your graphics on discord.

Also, added to the Cultural Affairs group.
Nation in The North Pacific: Jamadlenter
Ministry you are interested in joining:Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former Ambassdor to the United Kingdom
Nation in The North Pacific: Conantia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous Experience in this area of government: Nada.
Nation in The North Pacific: Amestris 1
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly
Nation in The North Pacific: Amestris 1
Ministry you are interested in joining: World Assembly Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific: JayDee I
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Member of Comm staff in Europeia
Nation in The North Pacific: JayDee I
Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Member of Comm staff in Europeia
Accepted, welcome to the ministry.
Nation in The North Pacific: Prats
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific: Prats
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation in The North Pacific: Siwale
Ministry you are interested in joining: Cultural Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Nation in the North Pacific: Iraelia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: N/A
Nation in the North Pacific: Iraelia
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: N/A
Approved, welcome to the team :)