Requested/Suggested title: "First impressions"
First impressions are the most important they set the tone for how you interact with someone in the future; Nationstates is not immune to first impressions. When a nation first comes into The North Pacific (refered to as TNP by her natives.) the first impressions they get are from the activity on the Regional Messageboard (RMB).
To TNP natives the RMB is the portal to The North Pacific it's face to new NationStates members. During the campaign for new Delegate there were concerns about the candidates RMB activity. (Candidates RMB Activity Report. ) I recently interviewed that concerned citizen Alunya on how the recent uptick in government interaction is being percieved with the RMB community, their review was less than stellar.
"It's still early in HMS Unicorn's (r3naissanc3r's) administration, so it may be a bit unfair to comment on the game-side approach. The good thing is that there is an outreach effort on the regional message board and that the game-side is not being ignored. But the response is wooden, stiff -- like a tax accountant. What we see from our new delegate so far is very official sounding, which is fine, but it isn't naturally friendly."
The Official Cat of TNP then went to to suggest the game side community may just need an adjustment period, as they were used to the laid back informal attitude of the previous Delegate McMasterdonia. Our friend with the feline persona then went on to add the problem with retaining nations in TNP lies with the offsite forum and not with the RMB community. The offsite forum needs to be overhauled to make it easier for newcomers to access and navigate.
"We don't recruit, so retention ought to be our goal. Until those off-site forum problems are fixed, we really shouldn't make a big push to encourage the game-side community to go off-site. We should engage in friendly banter and provide help and advice on the RMB. Make friends and then suggest the off-site forum when it is a little easier for a newcomer to navigate. And when it is ready, then a marketing blitz for the "New and Improved" forum would be appropriate."
"TNP is what you make of it, have fun, enjoy the place, whether thats regional politics on the forums, or just chilling on the RMB. TNP is what you make it, and rightly so." Opines newest elected Vice Delegate Abacathea
A request for comment from new Delegate HMS Unicorn to address his critics have so far went unanswered.
First impressions are the most important they set the tone for how you interact with someone in the future; Nationstates is not immune to first impressions. When a nation first comes into The North Pacific (refered to as TNP by her natives.) the first impressions they get are from the activity on the Regional Messageboard (RMB).
To TNP natives the RMB is the portal to The North Pacific it's face to new NationStates members. During the campaign for new Delegate there were concerns about the candidates RMB activity. (Candidates RMB Activity Report. ) I recently interviewed that concerned citizen Alunya on how the recent uptick in government interaction is being percieved with the RMB community, their review was less than stellar.
"It's still early in HMS Unicorn's (r3naissanc3r's) administration, so it may be a bit unfair to comment on the game-side approach. The good thing is that there is an outreach effort on the regional message board and that the game-side is not being ignored. But the response is wooden, stiff -- like a tax accountant. What we see from our new delegate so far is very official sounding, which is fine, but it isn't naturally friendly."
The Official Cat of TNP then went to to suggest the game side community may just need an adjustment period, as they were used to the laid back informal attitude of the previous Delegate McMasterdonia. Our friend with the feline persona then went on to add the problem with retaining nations in TNP lies with the offsite forum and not with the RMB community. The offsite forum needs to be overhauled to make it easier for newcomers to access and navigate.
"We don't recruit, so retention ought to be our goal. Until those off-site forum problems are fixed, we really shouldn't make a big push to encourage the game-side community to go off-site. We should engage in friendly banter and provide help and advice on the RMB. Make friends and then suggest the off-site forum when it is a little easier for a newcomer to navigate. And when it is ready, then a marketing blitz for the "New and Improved" forum would be appropriate."
"TNP is what you make of it, have fun, enjoy the place, whether thats regional politics on the forums, or just chilling on the RMB. TNP is what you make it, and rightly so." Opines newest elected Vice Delegate Abacathea
A request for comment from new Delegate HMS Unicorn to address his critics have so far went unanswered.