[Complete]At Vote: Commend McMasterdonia [Complete]


Commend McMasterdonia

Proposed by: Great Zurich | Resolution link | Security council forum thread

Description: The World Assembly,

RECOGNIZING that The Northern Lights of McMasterdonia as the former WA Delegate for The North Pacific,

WISHING to recognize this nation for its contributions,

APPLAUDING the effort that The Northern Lights of McMasterdonia has taken to provide a positive environment for new and old nations alike,

FURTHER NOTING that The Northern Lights of McMasterdonia has extended the amount of activity in The North Pacific in several ways,


• Providing a humorous and informative regional newspaper
• Providing a quality forum
• Securing The North Pacific from invaders and raiders
• Encouraging new nations to take part in regional government and other activities

Hereby commends The Northern Lights of McMasterdonia.

Please vote: Aye | Nay | Abstain | Present.

"Abstain" means that you wish for the Delegate to not vote on the resolution at all.
"Present" means that you effectively choose not to participate in this vote. "Present" has no effect on how the Delegate votes.
Thank you to Delegate r3n for posting this on my behalf. Timezones and whathave you.

I'm going to keep this very short, and far from sweet. I've spent the past two nights attempting to counter campaign this, but contacting the delegates who were approving was unfortunately being outweighed by the campaign of the author. I don't believe there is a single nation here who would disagree that McMasterdonia deserves a commendation. And there is a massive amount of nations who have expressed this same desire gameside, that notwithstanding, this doesn't come anywhere close to what would be considered a deserving commendation for even the most mediocre of gameplayers.

My concerns always rested on the fact that this attempt would poison the well when it came time to do so, although general feedback tells me otherwise, I'm still concerned that in some of the smaller regions this may be the case. But we shall see.

In the meantime, the minister STRONGLY suggests an AGAINST vote.
I am sure we all agree that mcmasterdonia deserves a commendation. However, he also deserves a well-written and substantial commendation. This one is neither.

The same appears to be the consensus on the Security Council forum. Our Minister of World Assembly Affairs has stated there that he agrees with this view, and that he has been doing an unapproval campaign against the proposal.

Therefore, I would encourage everyone to vote Against this resolution.

If the resolution does not make quorum in time, or if it does and fails, then I am very confident that a much better draft will appear, properly commending mcmasterdonia. We can then vote in favor of that.
Aye aye aye! Horrible written commend is still a commend! If it gets voted down our WA ministry should right(Edit: or write even) a solid commend of our own! Hip hip huzzah! For McMasterdonia Australlian for Beer! Hip hip Huzzah!

So against this. Seriously? Like... this is so bad.

Oh, and for the record, my WA nation is Nierr.

It was Nierr during the last vote, when my vote was disqualified.

It was Nierr when I applied to join the RA also.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.