Automated telegrams


We have the technical capability to set up scripts for the automated (and legal of course) telegramming of targeted nation groups.

Here are a few possibilities:

1) Nations joining the WA while inside TNP. This is a good target group for NPA recruitment. We could have Gladio's TNP nation (which is also normally not in the WA) send out this telegram, inviting nations to join the NPA, and if they choose not to, encourage them to endorse the Delegate. The latter would supplement my own manual telegramming.

2) Second-day nations that are still in TNP. As you may know, currently new nations receive more than 20 recruitment telegrams, with later ones bouncing newer ones off the inbox once the number gets larger than 20. Most new nations respond to these telegrams according to the following pattern: read at most the first few (say 5-10) they receive, then go offline for a day, and the following day read the last few recruitment telegrams, which are at the top of their inbox.

Given that TNP telegrams all newly-created nations a welcoming telegram that is delivered immediately upon creation, and therefore is in the batch they read first. It would be nice, then, to also have a telegram at the top of their inbox when they come back on their second day, to remind them that they should stay in TNP and join the forum. This second telegram could be sent by the Vice Delegate or the Minister of Home Affairs.

3) Nations that are a few weeks old (3-4), and have a recent login time (less than 2 days before). These are nations that are not puppet waste, have decided to stay in TNP, and yet very likely are sticking to answering issues and perhaps posting on the RMB. It would be useful, then, to send them a reminder that there is an exciting forum full of activity opportunities they can join. This third telegram could be sent either by the Minister of Home Affairs, or in a round-robin fashion from volunteers.
The above are just my own ideas. I would like to hear your thoughts on them, as well as proposals for any other good target groups.

Once we settle on the set of automated telegrams we will be setting up, the next step will be to draft the telegrams. The content will obviously depend on the nature of the target group. Coding, running, and maintenance of the scripts will be done by myself of course (in fact, most of these are already coded and ready for deployment).

Note that these are meant to complement, and not replace, the recruitment efforts Home Affairs will be undertaking. Standardized telegrams, no matter how well written, sent by a bot cannot beat the personalized invite telegram sent by a Home Affairs employee. However, given the much larger volume of nations these automated TGs can reach, and the fact they are free, they are a very valuable complement.