Withdrawn by Author
For the purposes of establishing one (1) Minister for Defence by correcting some minor errors:
As our laws currently stand we have a Minister for Defence, Minister of Defense and a Minister of Defence. I have proposed substituting the phrase Minister for Defence, which occurs the most frequently, for the other two titles. And to maintain consistency, I have proposed substituting defence for defense.
Edited: For withdrawal
For the purposes of establishing one (1) Minister for Defence by correcting some minor errors:
The Minister for Defence Bill:Chapter 8, Clause 1, sub-clause (e) of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall have the worddefensestruck and the word defence substituted in its place.
Chapter 8, Clause 2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific shall have the wordRevised:
- e. To implement regional defence and diplomatic policies as adopted under the laws of The North Pacific.
defenseand the phraseMinister of Defensestruck and the word defence and phrase Minister for Defence substituted in their places respectively.
Chapter 8, Clause 4, sub-clause (b) of the Codified law of The North Pacific shall have the phraseRevised:2. The NPA is always permitted, consistent with adopted regional defence and diplomatic policies, to deploy under the following circumstances:
- a. To counter or preemptively stop:
- A direct threat to the North Pacific;
- A direct threat to a North Pacifican ally;
- b. To assist a region or organization as permitted by the delegate, an existing treaty, or the Minister for Defence;
- c. Upon the orders of the appointed Minister for Defence or a person thus delegated to act in their name; and
- d. The Regional Assembly may mandate that the NPA follow through on a declaration of war or a policy approved by the Regional Assembly.
Minister of Defencestruck and the phrase Minister for Defence substituted in its place.
- b. Any NPA member may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact TNP security for any reason that the Minister for Defence or the Delegate determines is reasonable.
As our laws currently stand we have a Minister for Defence, Minister of Defense and a Minister of Defence. I have proposed substituting the phrase Minister for Defence, which occurs the most frequently, for the other two titles. And to maintain consistency, I have proposed substituting defence for defense.
Edited: For withdrawal