Legal Code Corrections


With my intent to begin building up my region and moving it into the wider world I would like to ask that The North Pacific stop trying to legislate my region. To that end I propose the following resolution to amend the Legal Code:

All instances of TNP shall be replaced with The North Pacific

For reference there are 8 instances where this problem occurs in the Legal Code.

Section 1.1: Treason
2. "Treason" is defined as taking arms or providing material support to a group or region for the purpose of undermining or overthrowing the lawful government of The North Pacific or any of its treatied allies as governed by the Constitution.
3. Specifically, no player maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities.
4. At this time, there are no regions or organizations at war with TNP. At this time TNP is allied with Stargate, the South Pacific, Taijitu, International Democratic Union, Equilism, Balder, Europeia and Albion.
5. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.

RA Oath:
I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of [INSERT YOUR TNP NATION], pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for membership in the Regional Assembly of the North Pacific.

26. A region or organization "at war" with TNP is one which has made a formal declaration, or made acts of war against The North Pacific, or vice versa, as deemed by a three-fifths majority vote of the Regional Assembly.

4. The NPA must operate so that:
a. The Delegate can issue a blanket approval for the NPA to work with a given organisation. The Minister for Defence or the Delegate must still authorize individual missions.
b. Any NPA member may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact TNP security for any reason that the Minister of Defence or the Delegate determines is reasonable.
c. The Regional Assembly may override by simple majority vote any NPA deployment not previously approved by the Regional Assembly. The Speaker shall accept motions to override for voting on an expedited basis.

5. The NPA must not do the following except following: (a) a regional consensus toward a region at war with TNP or (b) a request from a recognized government in exile of that region:

It is my sincerest hope that we can all agree to these changes and prevent any possible confusion moving forward.

HRH King Limi I, Sovereign of TNP, founder of the NPO, Lord of TRR, Regent of TSP, Caretaker of TWP, and Overlord of TEP.
I think all those changes are fine except the one in the RA oath. Since it's not an operative clause of the Legal Code, it is not legislating TNP. All of the substantive parts of the oath say "The North Pacific" and applicants are required to have a nation in "The North Pacific" so I don't think there is any ambiguity in the phrase "TNP nation" as used in the oath. I don't anticipate any RA applicants being confused by that.
Erm... can you provide a little bit more information about this region of yours?

I may be alone in this but it seems incredibly presumptuous of you to come forward in your capacity as a member of the Regional Assembly and demand such changes. I also don't know if you're just trying to be funny but the tone comes across totally wrong.
This is just as obnoxious a stunt as the proposer's username being used to cause confusion.

No bill of sale.

The world is full of multiple uses and meanings of the same acronym; and if anything, we were here first. And here, "The" is always supposed to be capitalized as part of the regional name, and because there was a "North Pacific" at some point in time, I haven't seen or heard of them in years.