The Candidates' RMB Activity Report


TNP Nation
With so many of the candidates talking (on the off-site forum) about how they would get new players involved, especially by paying attention to the Regional Message Board (RMB), I think it is informative to note which of them actually are active on the RMB (click links for details, past 6 days of RMB activity history at your present time):

Delegate Candidates:
Kiwi (KiwiTaicho)
Mall (Mall)
Romanoffia (Novare Res)
R3nnaissanc3r (HMS Unicorn)

Vice-Delegate Candidates:
Abacathea (Abacathea)
Flemingovia (Northern Flemingovia)
Mall (Mall)
Treize_Dreizehn (Dueling Cardsharps)

Speaker Candidates:
Lord Nwahs (Olvern)
Mall (Mall)
Zyvetskistaahn (Zyvetskistaahn)

At the time of this post only Lord Nwahs (Olvern) with four (4) posts and Abacathea (Abacathea) with one (1) post had any RMB activity.

Perhaps those voters already registered with the Regional Assembly would do the entire body politic of The North Pacific a favor and Vote to Re-Open Nominations so that a less inert slate of candidates may come forward, or give the current slate some time to get off their collective butts and interact with their constituents on-site as well as off-site.

Just going to repost what I posted on the RMB

Yes, Alunya, that is an excellent post and an excellent point. There is a near absolute disconnect between the forum government and the actual game that the government was created for. What would be interesting to look at would be the frequency of posting by the Delegate candidates on the forum. There are a few that I suspect also demonstrate a lack of engagement on the forum, as well as on the RMB. It is odd that we are so willing to put control of the Delegacy into the hands of someone so disengaged. *shrugs*
I spend a lot of time reading the activity on the RMB. I rarely post unless I see something interesting to respond to. Unfortunately, there is a good amount of inane stuff on the regional forum that has nothing to do with the region nor NS. We need to change that state of affairs.
I spend a lot of time reading the activity on the RMB. I rarely post unless I see something interesting to respond to. Unfortunately, there is a good amount of inane stuff on the regional forum that has nothing to do with the region nor NS. We need to change that state of affairs.
Be the change you want to see in the world, Roman.

If I don't like the subject then I ignore it and post what I want. Or deride other nations, you know, whatever my mood is at the time. :D

You have to operate on the level of the RMB, not everyone can be as cool as Alunya, Avalon, or C Chaplin.
Roman was active on the rmb and one of the reasons I joined the forum in the first place. I admit that I am disappointed that none of the candidates have shown any interest of activity in the rmb.
Why would I dirty my hands and talk with the gameside proles? If they aren't on the forum then they don't matter in terms of power in TNP.
Mall is correct in that. If you aren't on the forum they you are largely irrelevant, except as a political tool.

As it is, I have been trying to post on the RMB but there is a problem. Empire of Narnia exists.
Roman was active on the rmb and one of the reasons I joined the forum in the first place. I admit that I am disappointed that none of the candidates have shown any interest of activity in the rmb.
Many thanks for the compliment.

Recently I have been extremely busy in the Novare Res Royal Stables which keeps me off the RMB at times. Every time I have the manure hauled out, it makes me think of TNP politics around election time. New manure forks every time, but always the same old manure. That is to say, every candidate shows up with a new fork to move the same manure and in the end, a manure fork is a manure fork. The problem is that everyone wants change but they fail to notice that they are shoveling the same old manure with a different fork. Time to change the manure. But alas, that will never happen. :lol:

(No, really, in RL I get up in the morning and start the day's routine of working and caring for the horses at about 5:00 am. I don't finish up until about 9 or 10 at night most nights, and that is 24/7/365 for the most part. I have a good WiFi router so I can keep a laptop in the tack room to keep track of the happenings on NS. I did a 100 mile endurance race this past weekend. Fortunately, my smart phone (I call it an idiot phone most of the time) allowed me to keep tabs on the RMB and forum. If you think texting while driving is dodgy, try doing it while riding a horse).

But enough silliness! Back to watching the RMB and waiting for someone to say something that will enable me to respond in such a manner as to have a really cheap laugh at someone else's expense! :cheese:
punk d:
Not God-Emperor:
....holding my breath for the thought police to come and say foreign envoys shouldn't post in this thread....





This is "The Agora", the description even reads "For NationStates discussions and activities by all TNPers and our guests." (My emphasis)

So nope - nothing wrong with him posting. If it had been in one of the pinned election threads on the other hand....