Official Turtle Bill


I would like to propose some desperately needed legislation.

Official Turtle Bill:
Chapter 7, Section 1 of the Legal Code will be re-titled as follows:

Section 7.1: Arms, Flag, Seal, and Turtle

The following clause will be added at the end of Chapter 7, Section 1 of the Legal Code:

6. Eluvatar is adopted as the official turtle of the North Pacific.
7. Proper care of Eluvatar shall consist of regular feedings of strawberries and long walks on the beach.
8. At no point may Eluvatar be rolled onto his back.

Clauses 6-12 of Chapter 7 of the Legal Code will be re-numbered 9-15.

I believe that the lack of official recognition of our beloved turtle has negatively impacted our regional culture, as well as our foreign affairs (see, for instance, the recent discussion about a treaty with Albion), and ought to be rectified as quickly as possible.

I welcome your comments. :)
But I'm a cat! I have to turn turtles over and see what is underneath, give 'em a good sniff, and walk away while they wave their chubby legs in the air. It's part of the cat code...

Can't you just strike clause eight (8)? (Or whatever number it may end up being?)

Rolling turtles on their back is fun though. And in addition to Eluvatar, which I understand is a great member when he is here, but I havent seen him, if he wants to be the offical turtle and not share the title with Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello, then he needs to come back to posting MOAR!
But the Fiorentinos of which you speak have no post count here at all... that's double standards.

I support this bill. Not for Eluvatar's sake but for ours, such is the way with all pets :)

It will provide the minitsry of culture a greater purpose than the festivals, roleplay and map. Far far greater, far far far far greater. It's something that the community can be drawn into!
The constitution is a serious business. Once we start inserting joke clauses into it, people may stop taking it seriously.

Is it really just a joke though?

Furthermore, SillyString's proposal is an amendment to the codified law of The North Pacific, not the Constitution itself.
This is in no way a joke, I assure you. I believe official recognition of our turtle is quite important, just as important as any regional holiday. :)
Are there any other comments on the substance of this bill? Perhaps suggestions for improved wording?
Overall, I really like this bill, I just have a few suggestions. I feel we should capture all aspects of what the ancient greeks would have described as "Eluvatarness". My edits of your already excellent bill are made in that spirit.
Official Turtle Bill:
Chapter 7, Section 1 of the Legal Code will be re-titled as follows:

Section 7.1: Arms, Flag, Seal, and Turtle

The following clause will be added at the end of Chapter 7, Section 1 of the Legal Code:

6. Eluvatar is adopted as the official turtle of the North Pacific.
7. Proper care of Eluvatar shall consist of regular feedings of strawberries and long walks on the beach.
8. At no point may Zemnaya Svoboda be rolled onto his back.

Clauses 6-12 of Chapter 7 of the Legal Code will be re-numbered 9-15.
Your proposed change uses three names...

Eluvatar, the official name
Elu, the familiar name
Zemnaya Svoboda, the Eurasian name

While it's obvious they refer to the same turtle, it introduces ambiguity which is probably a bad thing.
Ambiguity is antithetical to the fundamental values of accountability, transparency and democracy, upon which our government is predicated.