Global Right Alliance News
First April Update[/align]
Hello from the GRA!
The GRA was founded in 2005 and refounded in 2007, with our population peak in 2010 at over 500 nations. We are a founding member of the FRA. We are known for our political innovation, including the infamous 'rotatorship' (rotating dictatorship), and also for our "unique" character. We're so badass, sometimes we go to bed without taking out our contact lenses.
In the immortal words of Jonewest, 'f*ck common courtesy, this is the GRA.'
GRA History Project
The Great Consolidated Library of the GRA - if you find Joe Bobs in here, do not approach him, we believe he has gone feral.
This month, Joe Bobs was appointed 'The Architect' of the GRA's Archives, as he foolishly volunteered to sort through the dumping ground of threads that previously had forum titles like 'General Discussion' and 'Government'. After reading through a decade of 'Happy Birthdays!', 'Pidgeon Island's Hate Lists' and Uropa asking newbies who the f*ck they are, Joe Bobs emerged from the Archives, having finally given order to the chaos. Having now read everything GRAers have said in a decade, Joe Bobs is seriously mentally ill and considered psychotic, do not approach him.
However, it did enable the creation of a timeline of
GRA leaders and the following historiography of the region:
*Foundation Era (April 2005 - October 2006)
- Dawn Age (April 2005 - August 2005)
- Dipes Presidency (August 2005 - February 2006)
- Later Foundation Era (February 2006 - October 2006)
*Zertaxian Revolution (October 2006 - March 2007)
*Council Era (March 2007 - April 2008)
- Early Council Era (March 2007 - September 2007)
- Later Council Era (September 2007 - April 2008)
*The Chaos (April 2008 - February 2010)
- First Rotatorship & People's Republic (April 2008 - September 2008)
- Warring States Period (September 2008 - March 2009)
- The Great Rotatorship (March 2009 - February 2010)
*Gilded Age (February 2010 - December 2010)
- The Rise (February 2010 - August 2010)
- The Fall (August 2010 - December 2010)
*Uropan Revolution (December 2010 - March 2011)
*The Restoration (March 2011 - May 2012)
*Soverties' Struggle (May 2012 - February 2014)
- First Try and eRepublik (May 2012 - February 2013)
- Second Try (February 2013 - February 2014)
And this funky little graph of activity over the years:
Joe Bobs would also like to thank Old Zertaxia and Jonewest for doing some minor admin things in relation to this.

Nah, they were super-admins and we wub them.
Population Rise
We are pleased to announce the continuation of the GRA's rise in population. At the time of going to press, the region is home to 102 nations, up from 81 in the last update. Sadly, we have not yet overtaken 10,000 Islands, but we remain confident it will happen in the next two weeks (if we keep saying that, one day it has to be true, right?).
We are also pleased to be able to welcome back G-tech and Chin Chillas to the GRA this month. We also welcome new citizens Dyr Nasad, Horse, Takanashi and Libetarian Republics.
Govindia Strikes Again!
Govindia and the GRA have a long and ugly history, going back to the time he began Facebook stalking Old Zertaxia. This month, he bashed the GRA in his election campaign in Wintreath, calling GRAers 'trolls', 'argumentative', 'hostile', 'abrasive' and stating that we 'thrive off internet drama'. However, despite these compliments, he also said we have only been 'helpful
to an extent as defenders'. The People's Assembly of the GRA lodged a formal protest against Govindia's statement, which has been hotly debated in the Wintreath GRA embassy. The GRA thanks all those Wintreathians who responded, and helped smooth past the matter to ensure relations between Wintreath and the GRA remained friendly and cooperative. Govindia did not respond.
Diplomatic Crisis with Captialist Paradise
A minor diplomatic crisis also occurred when Sovereign Liberties' stated his opposition to the opening of an embassy with Capitalist Paradise, when he revealed that last year, CP had attempted to recruit from the GRA. Sucrati, representing CP, has stated that this was a one-off action and it is the policy of CP not to recruit from regions with which they share ties. After some discussion, it was decided that as the matter did appear to have been a singular occurrence, it would be forgotten in the interest of building diplomatic relations between the two regions.
People's Assembly
The last few weeks have seen a number of topics discussed in the People's Assembly, the direct-democracy governing body of the GRA. Joe Bobs proposed the 'In-Game Embassies Act', to set punishments for members of the Founder Nation Control Board who took actions on approving or disapproving embassies. However, the act was not passed into law, due to lack of support.
The formation of the GRA Invader Nut Smashers (GRAINS) army continues, with opposition mostly coming from Sovereign Liberties and active FRA Rangers in the GRA, and support from Joe Bobs and Old Zertaxia, with Jonewest flip-flopping like a dying fish and Uropa taking the opportunity to vocalise his dislike for the FRA.
The main debate in the PA has taken place over the rights of citizenship in the region. Almost all workings of the GRA Government (excluding the GRADF) take place in public, and have done so almost since the region's founding in 2005. However, the rights to post in the People's Assembly came to question, as members of the Aura Hyperia delegation posted their opinions on the possible AH-GRA in the PA. Many said only citizens should have this right, whilst others wanted the right available to all, with only voting held for citizens only. However, the law became further complicated as two proposals came to the floor: Old Zertaxia's Citizenship Act, and Sovereign Liberties' redrafting of the People's Declaration of Assembling (the constitution of the GRA). These are currently being taken to vote.
Protestors demand rights for citizens.
Finally, one law has seen almost universal agreement (excluding Jonewest who is a party-pooper), the Anniversary Act, which would see the creation of six public holidays in the region. Whilst the dates and exact nature of the holidays are yet to be confirmed, the suggested line-up is:
GRA Founding Day
Old Zertaxia Day - to celebrate the GRA's longest-serving citizen, Speaker and former President, and in particular for his actions to save the region in its early days, when many natives abandoned the region following deletion of its founder.
Uropa Day - to celebrate the region's most vocal member and former Chancellor, and specifically to mark Uropa's actions in forcing the opening of Parliament to the public in its earliest days.
Dipes Day - to celebrate one of the longest serving Presidents and greatest Defenders, and to mark the creation of the first left-wing party in June '05, ending the region's right wing slant.
Northern Chittowa Day - to celebrate the FRA co-founder, former President, Foreign Affairs guru and Defender extraordinaire, and to mark the creation of the forums by NC.
South Land Day - to celebrate one of the founding fathers of the GRA and first President, specifically to mark the day South Land announced an end to the tyranny of New Emerica, the first democratic government, and the launch of the 'Defender only' policy.
Rotatorship Week - to celebrate the most infamous of the GRA's political system, a week of a mini-rotatorship will take place.
New Embassies
We are happy to announce the opening of the Kantrias embassy! Only one new embassy this month, following the thirty-two opened in March.
The GRA in the FRA
We are also pleased to announce that Jonewest, GRADF General, has been fulfilling his duties as Acting Arch Chancellor of the FRA during Karputsk's absence. This week, Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Bobs has also been elected Regional Liaison Officer in the FRA.
Finally, the GRA maintains its eternal war against Falconias.
In the words of Jonewest, NO.
Written by Joe Bobs. With thanks for contributions from Jonewest and Old Zertaxia.