RA Voting History Tool

I have created a spreadsheet on Google Drive that is usable by the public to access voting records of RA members. It is located HERE.

A few words on how to use this spreadsheet, and the results it will give you:
  1. Records are only available from July 31, 2013.
  2. Records are only available for current members of the RA, and only since their last admission. Voting records are purged when a member leaves the RA.
  3. You may select up to 10 members of the RA in cells C2 through L2. Their voting records will appear below their name.
  4. The dates in column B reference the date that a vote closed. Links to the voting floor and voting archive are provided in cells D2 and E2 so you can look up the content of those bills/motions by the date they closed.
  5. The drop down menu in cell C1 can be used to filter the results when viewing records from more than one member at once. "Only Agreements" will show votes where the selected members who were in the RA all voted the same way. "Only Disagreements" will show votes where at least one selected member voted Aye and at least one voted Nay.
  6. More than one person can access and make changes to this sheet at once. If you notice someone else is actively using the sheet, be courteous and wait your turn. If you have a Google account, you can make your own copy of the sheet by clicking "File", then "Make a Copy" to avoid that issue.
I decided to put this in the Citizen's Lobby since this tool is available for public use, not only for RA members. If anyone has trouble with the sheet, let me know and I'll try to help.
Awesome! I was musing to myself that it would be neat to track past voting history. For accountability or fun or whatnot. The official RA membership rolls only keeps track of certain number of recent votes.

I also decided would be interresting to track proposal records. I added mine into my signature. To date I have had one proposal pass vote none defeated as of yet and i withdrew 1.
For clarity, this actually only reflects votes that are already tracked by the RA membership rolls - that's where the data comes from in fact. However, once a given vote is no longer relevant for keeping track of membership removals (i.e. legislative votes that aren't in the last four, or nonlegislative votes from more than 20 days ago) they are generally hidden from view on the membership rolls, but they will always be accessible by this tool.
I am on mobile, i am assuming we have to add our vote record ourselves. I can open the doc on a new tab. I am using google chrome if that matters. But i cant find a button or tab to let me download a copy or edit and add myself in to a column.
You need to be logged into a google account to make a copy. However, if you want to view voting records in the public copy, you just have to type names (or select from the drop down menu) into cells C2 through L2.

It is possible that the option to make a copy is not available on your phone.
I have a google drive app on my phone. I logged into google with that. Somehow it had the official RA membership roll on therem i clicked it it told me someone else was viewing it. But this document doesnt show up. Do you know if there is a way to search for your document on the google drive app for android?
I can always go to google on my browser and log in and access the page that way too. Its no biggie

Edit: It was a PITA to do it from my phone but I think I figured it out. I had to launch desktop view, chrome was giving me fits wanted to redirect me back here when i clicked the link in the OP. But i got it to open desktop view on a seperate tab. And got my name to pop up after that it auto filled the fileds. To my credit i havent used drive since google rebranded it from docs. I havent used docss/drive for like 2 years now.
I'm gonna let you figure that one out. If you have trouble getting the sheet to work how it's supposed to once you're able to access it, that's a problem I can help with.
I've received reports that this tool isn't working - specifically, that the drop down menus are empty, and no input is being accepted as valid. I can't replicate the problem. Is this happening for everyone?
I have also been having this problem.

Edit: I WAS having this problem. It has now spontaneously fixed itself. Maybe google spreadsheets was having a senior moment?
Indeed, the problem appears to have gone away. I wonder if it only occurs when I have not viewed the spreadsheet for a given period of time. Let me know if anyone experiences this problem again.
I've adjusted the formula that decides what an "agreement" is between RA members on a given vote. Previously, it was any vote where at least one member voted Aye and at least one voted Nay. So that would include votes where one voted Aye and the rest abstained, or one voted Nay, one abstained, and one chose note to vote, etc.

Now, an agreement, for purposes of the RA Voting History Tool, is one where selected members who were in the RA at the time of the vote all voted the exact same way: all Ayes, all Nays, all abstains, or all chose not to vote. I think this will be more helpful for researchers using the RA Voting History Tool in the future.
Upon linking this thread to someone who inquired about voter history, I realized that this tool only including data from the first 100 citizens in the rolls. The reason is that at the time I created this, it was unthinkable that the RA would have more than 100 members :P

I have fixed the bug, and now it will continue to work until/unless the RA exceeds 1000 members.