Repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States" [Complete] [Complete]


Repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: GA#2

Proposed by: The Dourian Embassy​

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #2: Rights and Duties of WA States (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Strongly affirming the need for a World Assembly charter that clearly delineates the basic rights and responsibilities of World Assembly member states,

Regretting that the numerous flaws present in GAR #2, "Rights and Duties of WA States", necessitate its repeal,

Condemning the target resolution's morally repugnant conception of war, which is that war is permissible so long as it is consensual,

Shocked that this conception of war effectively legalizes armed conflict between two or more mutual aggressors, in which each party wishes to take control over the others’ territory, population or resources, because such a war is technically consensual,

Appalled that this conception of war also forbids most just wars, including peacemaking operations and humanitarian interventions, because not all parties consent to the conflict,

Distressed that the target resolution forbids nations from any unrequested intervention in the sovereign affairs of other nations, regardless of whether such intervention is justified, as in the case of peacemaking operations and humanitarian intervention,

Alarmed that the target resolution's requirement that resolutions be implemented in "good faith" is sufficiently vague as to permit the effective circumvention of resolutions through sincere yet invalid interpretations of resolutions, while prohibiting the World Assembly from passing a separate resolution governing the legitimate interpretation of resolutions,

Concerned that the target resolution prevents the World Assembly from taking or supporting any military action whatsoever, precluding the World Assembly from addressing violations of human rights or threats to international peace and security,

The General Assembly,

Repeals GAR #2, "Rights and Duties of WA States".

Co-Authored by Auralian Mission to the World Assembly

Unless I'm mistaken, this is just Auralia's draft without any changes made to it, (which would explain why Auralia is sitting as co-author), which should make reviewing this both tedious (thanks Auralia) and yet simple given it's been reviewed before (thanks Douria).

The reality is, the opposition we launched against this proposal the last time is no less than what it is now, except the desire to make sure it fails considering how close it got to passing last time is even stronger now.

The proposal is still irritating to it's core, when you note content such as this preamble:

[quoteArgument: Strongly affirming the need for a World Assembly charter that clearly delineates the basic rights and responsibilities of World Assembly member states,][/quote]

Which is just plain infuriating considering that's exactly what the author(s) are attempting to take away in this movement.

The old failed logic loop regarding the shock at allowance of consensual war yet forbidding of "just wars" is still as annoying as it was the last time around, and only serves to show that despite authors such as Mousebumples and Co coming out to highlight these instances, nothing was taken heed of.

Then there's this little clause, which still actually makes me jackie chan meme "WHAT?!" everytime I look at it:

Distressed that the target resolution forbids nations from any unrequested intervention in the sovereign affairs of other nations, regardless of whether such intervention is justified, as in the case of peacemaking operations and humanitarian intervention,

Again, let me break this down. "Distressed the target resolution FORBIDS NATIONS FROM ANY UNREQUESTED INTERVENTION IN SOVEREIGN AFFAIRS OF OTHER NATIONS" and do please note this is something that is, distressing the resolution authors.


Considering the above, our stance remains unchanged much like the proposal, we are suggesting an AGAINST vote and asking the delegate to stomp hard should the voting majority feel the same.

I just received this telegram:

World Assembly Manipulation!

The Dourian Embassy has submitted this resolution under false pretences and is manipulating the world assembly body to prevent the resolution from passing.

Resolution History

Aurulia, under the puppet 'The World Assembly Embassy of Auralian Mission', submitted the Repeal to GA #2, Rights and Duties a month ago. The resolution to repeal GA #2 was passed 7300 v 3000, but was discarded at the last minute by game moderators. Moderators claimed that the submitting nation name 'The World Assembly Embassy of Auralian Mission' had implied that the resolution was officially supported by the World Assembly. Nothing about the resolution text itself or the repeal was illegal, only the name of the submitting nation. So The Dourian Embassy asked Auralia if he could re-submit the exact same resolution in a months time, under his name.

The Current Resolution

The Dourian Embassy submitted the legislation. Once the legislation reached a public vote, The Dourian Embassy began campaigning against the legislation, attempting to sabotage the resolution and preventing it from passing. The Dourian Embassy is attempting to publicly embarrass Auralia for a personal vendetta and intentionally sink Auralia's legislation. Legislation that already passed with 2/3's approval previously!

What You Can Do

Vote FOR the repeal of GA #2. Stop The Dourian Embassy from manipulating the World Assembly.
I had received that too. And I had archived Auralia's mass-stamp WA campaign TG from his puppet, The Collaborative Initiative of World Assembly Charter Working Group, in Auralia's attempt to Repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States." The author of the above, Shadow Alforess, mis-states the reason the moderators pulled the Auralia's resolution, and that was because a group may not submit a resolution. (Ironically, it seems that although Auralia misrepresented himself as a group, he was in fact working alone. But that is just one of a number of instances of deception Auralia has recently practiced.)

Shadow Alforess would probably have a stronger case about The Dourian Embassy if he hadn't misrepresented the facts concerning the reasons for the discarding of Auralia's resolution. It helps to have clean hands when accusing others, and in this case Shadow Alforess's arguments do not pass muster.

And I can't imagine anyone possibly embarrassing Auralia any more than he has done himself.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.