Hi there! I'm James (as soon as my name change request goes through) and have finally decided to creep into the feeders, whether that was a wise choice, I suppose we'll find out!
Nickname(s)?: None, really. Wait, no, that sounds sad... I was dubbed "Captain Dan" in Albion for about a week. But I suppose it will be down to TNP to think of a nick name of more longevity.
Main Nation?: It's a nation called "DANRION", a name that you can tell was thought up on one rainy Saturday afternoon, and currently resides in United Kingdom.
RL Country?: I'm British! Though rather boringly live in greater London. Which, I'm afraid, means no Scottish whisky for you lot.
Favourite Colour(s)?: Why limit myself? I enjoy a good rainbow.
Do you use IRC?: I use Skype more. But will use an/the IRC if people prefer.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: I'm a thief. I like to steal policy and ideology from multiple sources, though overall I suppose I am a staunch liberal who vears away from the norm on a few specific points. Like defence!
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I find myself neck deep in both, wherever I am in NS! So yes, you could say that I enjoy them.
Other than that... it's great to meet you all properly instead of simply hearing vague rumours in the drab dark distant corners of a ragged and rather rabid NS!
Nickname(s)?: None, really. Wait, no, that sounds sad... I was dubbed "Captain Dan" in Albion for about a week. But I suppose it will be down to TNP to think of a nick name of more longevity.

Main Nation?: It's a nation called "DANRION", a name that you can tell was thought up on one rainy Saturday afternoon, and currently resides in United Kingdom.
RL Country?: I'm British! Though rather boringly live in greater London. Which, I'm afraid, means no Scottish whisky for you lot.
Favourite Colour(s)?: Why limit myself? I enjoy a good rainbow.
Do you use IRC?: I use Skype more. But will use an/the IRC if people prefer.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: I'm a thief. I like to steal policy and ideology from multiple sources, though overall I suppose I am a staunch liberal who vears away from the norm on a few specific points. Like defence!
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I find myself neck deep in both, wherever I am in NS! So yes, you could say that I enjoy them.
Other than that... it's great to meet you all properly instead of simply hearing vague rumours in the drab dark distant corners of a ragged and rather rabid NS!