PaulWall/LibertarianLand for AG??!?

And humor??!PROFIT!!

Not sure if nomination was trolling (pretty sure it was) or srs. And Not sure what happened to the first AG race or why the pony I thinned from the herd didn't win, but after some not so serious consideration, I decided WHAT THE HECK?! The worst that will happen is that I might actually win!.

I'm kind of a stickler for rules (That I like and that suits me.) So I guess I think of myself as kind of a rules lawyer or at least I like to pretend to be. Now I know what you're thinking Rules lawyering is generally frowned upon in Nationstates and in role playing in general. That might be true, however shouldn't a AG be a rules lawyer? Fighting with vigor and conviction to represent the full letter of TNP law and vanquishing evil doers who violate the beloved Constibillicode with GUILTY VERDICTS? Give the TNP citizens Pride and fear back into the AGs office?

Vote for me or not, I don't care. If elected I'd take the role seriously but try to pepper in some humor from time to time. Though pending these injuctions I don't know whats going on. And I probably won't vote for me, I try to be consistent and endorsed my candidate already in the first election cause I liked thier Icon and such and at the time all the cool kids were nominating them.

If Elected however, my first duty will be to deputize every TNP citizen as Assistant Deputy AG or what ever so they can prosecute each other and I wont need to be involved or something.

Or at the very least a couple familar with TNP and the role of the AGs office, and we will see if we can get some backlogged cases cleared.

And also, while I have memorized the Constibillicode (rules lawyer, remember?) I havent really read the previous court rulings, so I would familarize myself with those to see if there are any lawyery loop hole tricks I can use.

IRL resume: (probably doesnt matter)

I neogiate with Customer Terrorists daily.

I talk to the local council members and judges (ooo got political connections)

I was a Lieutenant in high school in my Criminal Justice program at the local trade/tech/vocational school (though that was mostly propritary private security/policing 101 style stuff)

And I had an unsuccessful bid for the candidacy of Student Council President.

And am the 1st annual and only time hot dog contest eating champion at my job with the record of 8 and three quarters of a hotdog.

I dont know, ask me questions or not? Vote for me or not? I dont care. Im not terribly too serious about it. I am content to bide my time and get some kind of tenure here before trying anything other than RA. And for the record, be it good or bad, I helped to start a sheet storm (at least I'd like to think it was primarily me others were circling the wagons too) about better NPA communications with the RA and public about whats going on so checks and balances may have a chance to be utilized.

So whatever, yeah.

Also I have an endorsement from my country's "Rent is too damn high" party.
I support you, I believe you have the dogmatic determination for the job and will excuse all case fairly. Good luck in your bid for ag.
I read the entire post and was impressed with the level of insight and thought put into what on the surface looks like a horrible lulz campaign.

I can't wait for you to run for Delegate. Get that WA nation going and join the Security Council.
Thanx I think.

I can totally be serious but lately it seems I catch more flies with honey then with vingar (humor/lulz vs being 100% serious) if I were elected id seriously agressively represent TNP to best of my ability in Court.

Dont mistake though; im totes voting for you if the legal monkeys allow me to
Democratic Donkeys:
I didn't read your words, but I support you 100%
You're gonna make a hell of a delegate DD :noangel:
Who said I want to be delegate? (Besides me, damn you if you try to use "evidence")

PaulWall seriously types too much. I have privately suggested he look up the word "concise", the suggestion did not take. :no:
As I said the more you fillabuster eventually people will acquiesce.

You also suggested I use free governmental cellular phone services, blaze it and praise president satan
What is the role of the Attorney General?

How would you judge the performance of the last Attorney General?

As Attorney General, would you give fresh-baked cookies to the members of the RA? That's something I've found other candidates just couldn't offer.
In most common law jurisdictions, the attorney general or attorney-general is the main legal advisor to the government, and in some jurisdictions he or she may also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, public prosecutions or even ministerial responsibility for legal affairs generally. In practice, the extent to which the attorney-general personally provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual office-holders within the same jurisdiction, often depending on the level and nature of the office-holder's prior legal experience. - Wikipeda

As it relates to TNP since there is no Policing or Law Enforcement investigation organization of TNP. when an allegation of a rules violation of the criminal code of TNP is properly submitted with hopefully some kind of evidence to support the allegations. It would then be the role of the AGs office be it the AG him/herself or a deputy assigned to the office of AG to investigate the claim and any evidence submitted take witness statements ect. When enough evidence is collected to be sufficient for trial the Office of AG would then act as agent of the STATE OF TNP and file an indictment with the Courts, if the courts feel a trial is warranted the AG or any appointed Deputy would represent the State of TNP in any legal procedings. The AG is the chief law enforcer of TNP.

I have no opinion on the last AG as I have been here in s short time and have yet to see the AG in action however any backed logged cases I would attend to promptly. And I note Chas is the acting Deputy AG and Prosecutor. If he wanted to I'd ask that he remain in that role since he is intimate with the dealings and cases currently logged in the AGs office, I also reserve the right to appoint a few more should they accept. And make the AG office an active functioning part of TNP government.

If the RA wants cookies, I'll bake them myself.
I'd also like to add unsolicited, that after skimming over the legal code (again, tried to familarize myself as much ad possible) concerning Election Law and the Civil Code.

Election Law, I feel if any election or nomination is disputed it should be the AGs office who would back up and represent the State and the Election commissioner in any legal challenges. (Such as the current motions for relief from Maximum and Traiez, they are able to have thier say but I feel the state should also be able to present thier reasoning on any reason why they chose to disqualify for the court to consider as well)

*In this particular case it being the AG position I could see a conflict so the AG could appoint a 3rd party as special Representative to Rep the Govt who has no internal affilation with the AGs office

On Civil cases;

It is the opinion of this AG candidate that the office of AG shall have NO involvement in civil cases unless the State of TNP is specifically mentioned as Plantiff or Defendant then the office of AG may represent the state. If it is a civil matter between 2 TNP citizens they should be able to seek whatever council they desire and take it upon themselves to file any complaints with the court and take it up with the courts themselves. Though Id have to review the legal code as is to see what if any involvement it spells out for the AGs office as well as monitor any legislation on civil codes the RA passes *as I've noted civil code and trial has been recently debated in the RA halls*
Welp, I guess thats that folks it was a good 10 hour campaign while it lasted. *bursts all campaign balloons in sight* Thanks for any support real or lulz. Maybe next time eh? Whoever gets the ballots counted for the first election maybe they'll consider me as a possible candidate for a deputy position.

Good night folks!
I can totally be serious but lately it seems I catch more flies with honey then with vingar (humor/lulz vs being 100% serious)
I can't resist...
