Repeal "Liberate St Abbadon"
Category:Repeal |
Resolution SC#134 |
Proposed by:The Dourian Embassy
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #134: Liberate St Abbaddon shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The Security Council,
Aware that "Liberate St Abbaddon" (SC#134) was passed to battle the then extant threat of The Brotherhood of Malice and a variety of regional armed forces to the region of St Abbaddon,
Understanding that the passage of this liberation helped to end the threat of destruction St Abbaddon was facing,
Knowing that the passage of this liberation, while successful in achieving its goals was also passed under false pretenses, and used as a tool by raider forces to open the region up further,
Cognizant that the liberation of St Abbaddon was passed without input or permission from the region's native residents whom have voiced their desires not to have this proposal in place,
Believing that this liberation is now superfluous, and an insult to the very principals this council stands for,
Hereby Repeals "Liberate St Abbadon"
Co-Authored by The Gatekeeper Ministry of Abacathea