Hello TNP!

Joe Bobs

Hello TNP!

My name is Joe Bobs, I started playing NS back in '04 / '05, in a region called Q102 and the GRA, and also founded an inter-regional group called ARC. I went inactive but returned in the GRA renaissance of '10, then went inactive, and have now returned again!

I used to visit TNP and thought I'd come back and see how everyone is doing. How is everyone?

r3naissanc3r, how the devil are you?
Yeah TNP seems to be doing very well, nice one!

r3n is one of the people still around from my days in Q102. I've just been discussing with Westwind in Equilism which of the old guard are still around, he said Franco's Spain and Gates were around last year? :o
I guess we're all just cursed to keep bumping into each other on every forum! :P

Good to see all of you!