The sponsor of this legislation is dense.
Well, density is a relative matter, of course. I would estimate that my density is roughly 1.03 g/mL with no air in my lungs, but that can fall to about .98 g/mL if I'm holding my breath, or even lower if I had Mexican food that day. I don't really see this as relevant.
In order to comply with the stated requirements, each clause has to have a number, it cannot be done editorily after the fact.
So far, you have only supplied provisions that say each clause has to have a number. You have no supplied any requirements that say the number must be explicitly specified in the legislation. There is nothing in the constitution, legal code, RA rules, or Speaker policy that says that. You're making it up in your head because that's how it's always been done. But lately, we've run into problems because laws that affect the same portions of a document have been passed in close proximity, resulting in their specified numbers being inaccurate. Bills have been withdrawn over this issue, and legislation has been delayed. I think it smooths the process to avoid specifying the numbers explicitly, and instead referencing existing clauses by their content, and providing instructions on how to insert and renumber the new clauses. What provision allows us to do this? Oh yeah, this one:
TNP Constitution:
2. The Regional Assembly may enact, amend or repeal laws by a majority vote.
There are no constitutionally valid provisions in current law that permits such editing, or if you prefer, correcting of adopted language.
First off, this isn't editing the language, it's simply enumerating the clauses in accordance with the provisions of the bill. Also, you have yet to supply any way that this bill gives the speaker any discretion, or allow for any ambiguity in how the Constitution is updated to reflect its passage.
The format of this bill is a non-issue.