
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the 8th annual Defender Awards shall begin on the 1st February! The Awards are hosted by the Founderless Regions Alliance and those wishing to participate are welcome to register on our forums. I will be sure to add a link straight to the subforum when the Awards open and shall announce the Awards beginning here as well.
The Awards allow us a chance to reflect on the previous year while also recognising hard work and success, but also are a chance to have a bit of fun. Everyone is welcome to participate - regardless of whatever side you happen to identify with - and not all of the Awards recognise just Defender success/failure.
This year there are four notable changes, specifically we see two new awards introduced, namely the; "Can't We All Just Get Along Award" and the "Tin Foil Hat Award", while the "WASC Award" is to be shelved this year and the "Worst Invasion" award is to be renamed to the "Worst Operation" award in order to avoid controversies surrounding it last year.
Awards list:The Defender of the Year Award
The formerly named 'EuroSoviets' award is given to the nation who is viewed by the NS community as the one nation who has helped the defender cause the most in the last year.
The Ananke Award
The Ananke Award is given to those nations who spend their own time looking out for any invasions that are taking place. This normally means staying up till very late and sacrificing their sleep for the greater good.
The Anarchotopia Award
This award is given to the region or organisation which has proved the most successful in preventing invasions.
The Blackbird Award
A special award that is given to the invader group which the NS community considers the best out there due to whatever reason.
The Sir Lans Award
The old 'Updater of the Year Award' is for the person who has been involved in more update missions than any other, and has shown dedication to be there if they are needed.
The Operation of the Year
The mission which stands out from all others from the last year due to the success, the numbers involved or any other reason.
The Best Newcomer(s) Award
Given to the region, nation or organisation which has appeared within the last year, and impressed the defender community the most. This award has two recipients.
The Dipes Award
Given to the nation whom has best served the Defender Intelligence cause.
The Worst Operation Award
The award given to the operation which was classed as the worst due to defender mistakes, invader cunning or any other reason.
The Worst Invader Group Award
The award given to a group of Invaders for abysmal failure and/or being a large annoyance overall.
The Best Defender Quote
A light hearted award, given to the nation whose quote or motto has been considered strange, funny or different.
The Meltdown of the Year Award
Given to a nation, region or organisation which has self-imploded in spectacular (and often hilarious) style.
The Lifetime Achievement Award for Dedication to Defending
The award given to the nation who has been a dedicated servant to the defender cause for many years, often sacrificing different luxuries in order to help as much as they can.
The Can't We All Just Get Along Award
Successor to the Defender Unity award seen only in the first Awards, this award is given to whichever organisation, region or player is deemed to have contributed and improved the unity and solidarity of the Defender cause as a whole.
The Tinfoil Hat Award
Similar to the Defender Quote of the Year Award, this Award is a light hearted to recognise the funnier and best conspiracies suggested by or about Defenders.
Quite a list and I am all ready excited to see some of the nominations.
I don't really have much more to say but here's a schedule to peruse!
Awards Schedule:February 1st: Awards and nominations begin.
February 14th: Nominations close and voting is opened.
February 28th: Voting closes
March 1st: Awards ceremony
That was easier than I thought. Anyways, I look forward to seeing some of you participating!