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You should not have posted this thread...

*goes to find a gallery of images featuring his cat*

Rosie planning a Foreign Affairs brief for her role in Osiris:

Inquisitive Kitten is watching you!

You may kiss the Royal paw, human.

I said: Back away, human!


The Sovereign herself, Lady Mystique (I did not choose her name)


Mystique with her little puppy, born a few months ago now


Marley (left) and Whoopie Goldberg (right) :P
Oh my gosh, they are all so adorable! :tb2: I want to steal Rosie. That's it, I'm catnapping her. I'll get some pics of my kitties up, too.
Oh God, they're so cute I want to die!

My pet is a little mouse, or so it seems, there's no pics of it because we haven't caught it yet but it hangs around. And I mean I hope it's a mouse making strange noises at night, otherwise it is a ghost and that's no so nice.
So cute! Lucky cat getting to lounge about outside. We aren't allowed to let them out any more.. big fines and the rangers can seize them!

Newest edition to our flock its dad is a blue Paint Silkie Rooster and a buff laced frizzled polish for a mother.

A mutt chicken if you will, or a sizzle.

We are very proud of this one. While the Silkie and Polish are biological parents the hen that went broody was a french black copper Marans and once she hatched one of the other babies a americuna easter egger and we brought her some chicks from the farm store (when hens go broody they dont always hatch out thier own chicks sometimes they steal other chickens eggs to hatch) we had a strom and the pressure dropped and killed the silkie eggs we had one make it this little guy and had to put him in the ecubator. And he pipped thru the wrong part of the shell not the aircell and so we had to assist hatch this fella'.
Oooh I forgot to show you guys we got a Tom Turkey Yesterday!

We have a couple of Bourbon red hens which when we first got them were sold to us as a "pair". I named them Jenni-O and Russel (After wild Turkey Russel Reserve... Bourbon....Bourbon red....turkey.....wild turkey bourbon....bazinga!)

After they grown up and denial was finally gave up on, Russel turned out to just be a large hen, our flock is pretty spoiled. And so "russel" became rusty. And Rusty and Jenni wanted to set on thier eggs however they do not have a man to fertilize those eggs for them so they can hatch them.

In walks struts this fella' as I like to call him Giblets and Noodles but my girlfriend gives me death stares and calls him Jack. (Another Bourbon Wiskey reference.)

What makes Jack, Rusty, Jenni, and the rest of the Bourbon Red turkeys so interresting is they are an American Heritage breed of turkey, they come from the Areas of Pennslyvania,Kentucky, and Ohio. They are called Bourbon after Bourbon County Kentucky. They arose around the 19th century by crossing broad breasted buffs and white holland turkeys. They were reconized as a breed in 1909 and were selectively bred as a meat bird. They fell out of favor commerically with the adaptation of the broad breasted whites. And according to Wikipedia "Populations began to recover in the early 21st century, and today it is one of the most popular heritage turkey breeds in the U.S. Despite its relative popularity as a heritage breed, it is still listed as "watch" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, entailing that there are fewer than 5000 breeding birds in the U.S.. The Bourbon Red is also included in Slow Food USA's Ark of Taste, a catalog of heritage American foods in danger of extinction."

We kinda like to feel like we are doing our part to help perpetuate and conserve the heritage of the Bourbon Reds. Also they are really pretty birds and I'd hate to live in a world without bourbon turkeys in it.
Like every schnauzer that's been in my family for over 40 years, Lieb loves turkey! :lol:

And here's a couple of photos of Lieb I took yesterday. I gave her a post-winter groom last week, and I usually share photos of the results:
Great Bights Mum:
Great pics! Those Reds, how do they taste? :P
They're for pets and eggs not eats. I dont know If I could process something for meat production that I've raised.

We havent got the gumption to try the 'creepy meats' cornish rock meat production birds yet. Those things arent real poultry they've been selectively bred to be bigger than average chickens at 6-8 weeks you can chop their heads and eat them. All they do is eat and poop. I actually feel sorry for those birds bred just for eating. At 6-8 weeks they are triple the size of an average chick that is still peeping. In fact the meat birds if you dont kill them at 8 weeks or so they'll have difficulty standing can break legs under their enormous weight and have difficulty breathing. Its just a horrible experience all around.

No I think we'll stick with our spoiled poultry egg producing pets for now. Plus in a societial collapse sure you could butcher your flock and have a couple meals...or you know keep them alive and laying and have a dozen or so eggs a day to eat on. ;)
Edit: "Turkey-Ball" Video as promised:

Playing "Kickball" with the turkey.

I made a video im going to try to upload and share to youtube later.

This is my cat Stacy attacking Link last year, lol. She's much bigger now of course. :P
I prefer to just call her kitty. -_-

Here I am being attacked by the puppies (and totally loving it)

They look really cute, McM! I am jealous now. I've been thinking about getting German Shepherd pupps, but I don't think I have the time to care for them, yet.

~ Tomb
Those weren't actually mine, but I looked after them over the christmas period.

Puppies sure are a lot of work! I definitely wouldn't get one if you are at college, or planning to go travelling any time soon.
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