I don't know; my posts are always the most interesting.
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 7, 2023 #28,161 I don't know; my posts are always the most interesting.
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 7, 2023 #28,162 Yeah, pretty sure ...
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 7, 2023 #28,163 Totally.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 7, 2023 #28,164 Totally equals Tot and ally Which means...something!
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 7, 2023 #28,165 It means Cloud wins!
Nessuno Friends call me Nessie (Also spies) - Pronouns Snek TNP Nation Territorio di Nessuno Discord Nessie May 7, 2023 #28,166 I don't think so!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 7, 2023 #28,167 Hmm...I'm gonna need you two to debate before I decide
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 7, 2023 #28,168 My argument is that I said so, therefore I am the winner!
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 8, 2023 #28,169 The argument above is invalid.
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 May 8, 2023 #28,170 Banned for declaring a discussion invalid
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 8, 2023 #28,171 What a shame.
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 8, 2023 #28,173 Good
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 8, 2023 #28,174 Goggles owe other dice?
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 8, 2023 #28,175 Looks like english to me.
Vanguard The Pizza Worshipper of TNP - Pronouns Person/Human Being TNP Nation Federation_of_Vanguard Discord coopdoglord9 (formerly Coopdoglord9#9242) May 8, 2023 #28,176 heh I've said "heh" before. It's an acronym for I don't know what to say.
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 8, 2023 #28,177 heh same
Hybodus certified idiot - - Pronouns He/Him/His TNP Nation Dantek Discord hybodus47#4309 May 8, 2023 #28,178 :pikatnp_mus: IS BACK LETS GOOOOOO also i win
Vanguard The Pizza Worshipper of TNP - Pronouns Person/Human Being TNP Nation Federation_of_Vanguard Discord coopdoglord9 (formerly Coopdoglord9#9242) May 8, 2023 #28,179 No, Shork. I WinRAR
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 8, 2023 #28,180 Yeees!
Hybodus certified idiot - - Pronouns He/Him/His TNP Nation Dantek Discord hybodus47#4309 May 8, 2023 #28,181 I win Vanguard is a fraud
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 8, 2023 #28,182 Yes, :pikatnp_mus: wins
Vanguard The Pizza Worshipper of TNP - Pronouns Person/Human Being TNP Nation Federation_of_Vanguard Discord coopdoglord9 (formerly Coopdoglord9#9242) May 8, 2023 #28,183 dantek: I win Vanguard is a fraud Click to expand... Fraud? Gimme a 5-page essay on how I'm a fraud.
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 8, 2023 #28,184 A 5-page essay on how you're a fraud.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 8, 2023 #28,185 Wow, Vanguard is a fraud? I never knew that
Laforeia Love goes around, comes around - - Pronouns She/her and they/them preference! He/him is fine TNP Nation Laforeia Discord rabbitual [Formerly toasterwifi and toasterwifi#2326] May 8, 2023 #28,186 *dramatic music plays in the background*
Hybodus certified idiot - - Pronouns He/Him/His TNP Nation Dantek Discord hybodus47#4309 May 8, 2023 #28,187 yes because i win
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 8, 2023 #28,188 Liar.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 9, 2023 #28,189 Write your reply... Last edited: May 9, 2023
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 9, 2023 #28,190 I win
Lionsmeow Fulltime German Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Lionsroar Discord dulle1846 May 9, 2023 #28,191 Cat wins
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 9, 2023 #28,192 No
Nessuno Friends call me Nessie (Also spies) - Pronouns Snek TNP Nation Territorio di Nessuno Discord Nessie May 9, 2023 #28,193 Maybe
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 9, 2023 #28,194 I win for sure though
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 9, 2023 #28,195 No.
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 9, 2023 #28,196 Why not D:
Sauron Wherever I go, I leave a path of destruction. - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation TNP_Meadowfields Discord sauron_lord_of_mordor May 9, 2023 #28,197 I don't know.
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 9, 2023 #28,198 Invalid
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 9, 2023 #28,199 Hello, I would like to win for the next 3.5 hours please
Cloud Daang Matuwid - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Marlducro Discord cloudyiskies May 9, 2023 #28,200 Request granted.