Would you like to give a speech about your victory?
First of all, I would like to thank the Jury members for selecting me as the ‘wINRAR’ and honouring me with this award. Well, this is a very proud moment for me as it took approximately 5 years to reach this platform. But let me tell you, I didn’t walk alone; I was accompanied by all the valuable me's and the dedicated me's who have worked day-in and day-out to make the me one of the most recognisable wINRAR's in The North Pacific. Here, I would especially like to thank the citizens too, who believed in me and gave me continuous wins which motivated me to work harder to give them the best win in my capacity.

Being awarded with the wINRAR award means a lot for me because it means I love myself and I am happy with me. Every year, I internally conduct a bi-annual self survey to determine what I am lacking at and what I am good at. I am only asked to fill the survey without mentioning my name or my name. I maintain this fairness so that I can actually work upon the weaknesses. I especially thank all the me's who had been very honest with the survey in sharing my feelings with me, because it motivated me to do better for me and thus, I am here today receiving this award.

Since last 5 years, I have not only worked upon enhancing the win and winning I offer, but the me and me have also worked upon making the work culture better for myself too. I work upon 5 basic philosophies: Stability, Compensation, Respect, Health Benefits and Work-Life Balance for myself.

I would like to take some moment today to especially thank myself and myself who have worked with much dedication and formulated policies that not just work for the benefit of myself, but also helps myself maintain my work-life balance and thus meeting the my common objective.

The last 5 years have been a great journey for me and we have also seen our due share of ups and downs in myself. The first two years, we were busy with establishing ourselves and creating a brand name and image and the next 3 years we worked in maintaining the image that we established. I have also seen the downturn for 1 continuous year, but the constant and unconditional support that I have got from the me, myself, and I was outstanding, which motivated me to come over the challenge.

I would also like to mention the name of the myself, who have always trusted and believed me and have continued to invest in myself.

Last but not the least of course, winning this honour wouldn’t have been possible without my moral support and inspiration; I am truly my backbone.

I sincerely thank each one of me for my continuous support and also all the internal and external me's who are directly or indirectly involved in the making and functioning of myself.

With this note, I’ll end my speech with the promise that there are more such awards to follow.

Thank You!