Update: December 2013

United Kingdom

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Foreign Update: December 2013


23rd Premiership of the United Kingdom

Monarch:HM King-Emperor Edward IX
Prince of Wales:HRH Prince Michael


Prime Minister: Jacob M. Stewart
Deputy Prime Minister: Bill Dearheart
Home Secretary: Constance St. James
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Vaculatestar Mikaelson
Minister of Defence: Prince Michael R.E. Stewart
Minister of Culture: Ruiseart mac Alaxandair
Director of MI5: Edwin T.C. Astor
Attorney General: Constance St. James

WA Delegate: HM King Edward IX


Chief Justice: vacant
Sr. Associate Justice: Edwin T. C. Astor
Jr. Associate Justice: Daniel C.A. Astor


27th Session of Parliament

Speaker of Parliament

Bill Dearheart

Peers of Parliament
The Countess of Arundel, Constance St. James
The Duke of Northumberland, Michael Stewart

Members of Parliament

George Marlborough of Northern England (RCP)
Chris Mikaelson of Southern England (Lab)
Jacob M. Stewart Stewart of Wales (I)
Bill Dearheart of Scotland (I)
Klaus Mikaelson of Northern Ireland (Lab)


Majority: No Organized Majority
Loyal Opposition: No Organized Minority



This past week United Kingdom had its General Elections after the dissolution of Parliament and the King called for them. With All electable positions up for grabs there were some interesting races and also some blowouts and even a couple of unopposed races. In the race for the Prime Minister we had former Chief Justice Jacob Stewart, six time Prime Minister Klaus Mikaelson, and Patricia Scott. In an election that started out somewhat close then ended in a blowout Jacob Stewart took the election with a vote of sixteen, to Klaus’s six, to Patricia’s one with one none of the above.

In the race for Member of Parliament for Northern England there was the former Home Secretary, Member of Parliament, and current Foreign Secretary Vaculatestar Mikaelson, former Minister of Culture and former Foreign Secretary George Marlborough, and George Windsor. In a tight race that eventually wound up in a run-off between Vaculatestar Mikaelson and George Marlborough George pulled it off with a vote of eleven to nine. In the race for Southern England there was former Prime Minister, Member of Parliament, Director-General of the BBC, and former Culture Secretary Chris Mikaelson, former Culture Secretary Charles Sinclair, and Cameron M. Romefeller. In yet another tight race that went to yet another run-off between Chris and George Chris Mikaelson pulled it off with a vote of thirteen to eight. In the race for Member of Parliament for Wales there was former Chief Justice and Member of Parliament Jacob M. Stewart against Tyler Kazakov with Jacob Stewart pulling off an easy victory of twenty to four. In the race for Northern Ireland Klaus Mikaelson ran unopposed, and in the race for Scotland Bill Dearheart the current Deputy Prime Minister ran unopposed as well.


Soon after the election the newly elected Prime Minister Jacob M. Stewart appointed Bill Dearheart to the position of Deputy Prime Minister, Constance St. James to be both Home Secretary and Attorney General, Vaculatestar Mikaelson to be Foreign Secretary, Prince of Wales Michael R.E. Stewart to be Defense Secretary, Ruiseart mac Alaxandair to be Culture Secretary, and Edwin T.C. Astor to be the Director of MI5.


Foreign Office

On December 2 Foreign Secretary Vaculatestar Mikaelson ordered the closing of United Kingdom of the Netherlands embassy in United Kingdom and ordered the complete and total cutting of ties with UKN. We are currently working diligently to try and come to a peaceful solution to this that is acceptable to all.

New Chief Justice

With his election as Prime Minister and to Parliament former Chief Justice almost immediately resigned from his position on the bench which then brought up the question, who’s going to be Chief Justice? At first the popular opinion was either Daniel or Edwin Astor who are currently Associate Justices in the Supreme Court but the King and new Prime Minister pulled someone out that nobody expected. Recently returned Prime Minister, Member of Parliament, Chief Justice, and everything else that you could possibly think of Marshall G. Holdstock, with his nomination before Parliament Member of Parliament Klaus Mikaelson along with others are questioning his ability to be Chief Justice as he has just recently returned to NS after a very long absence and isn’t exactly up to date on regional laws and happenings.



In legislative news, the Stewart Government Stability Plan consists of multiple amendments to the constitution, changes to current law, and additions to current law. The purposes of the plan are to provide complete and total transparency when branches utilize the most drastic of checks against other branches and to provide significantly more authority and input from the citizens of UK when these actions are executed.. The first amendment passed with all 7 votes being aye. The second amendment has gotten nothing but support as well.


This update was brought to you by the
~ Ministry of Foreign Affairs ~
on behalf of His Majesty, His Government and His Citizens.
Respectfully, British Diplomatic Service

It sounds like the new PM has set a large agenda for his new government, lets hope it lasts longer than poor Constance St James did in the office of PM :P