Condemn Gest
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: Gest | Proposed by: Abacathea
The Security Council;
Recognizing; the "honorable" nation of Gest as a high ranking, senior official in the region of The Black Riders, a region known for it's callous destruction of other regions which claims to have successfully carried out over 2000 raids since 2011, many of which have taken place under direct orders from or the supervision of Gest;
Further recognizing the nation of Gest was one of the co-founders when The Black Riders were refounded by General Halcones, ultimately assisting the growth and redevelopment of The Black Riders into the strong region it has since become.
Noting that The Black Riders, under orders from Gest, have also assisted other significant raiding regions in their destruction of smaller regions, including, but not limited to, the recent capture of Sapphire by The Black Hawks.
Believing; that it is by no means a small feat to repeatedly sack and destroy regions of varying sizes, especially ones that put up little in the way of resistance and that many regions both large and small have eventually crumbled as a direct consequences of the actions of Gest, ultimately failing to ever recover from the damage caused as a result.
Aware that aside from regions sacked by direct orders from Gest, Gest has also directly participated in the successful recent sacking of Coffee House, Death Star and Orion, all of which are struggling to recover from the damage inflicted upon them.
Further aware of the sheer brutality and destruction Gest inflicts on captured regions demonstrated by the capture of Planet X whereby Gest oversaw the forced closure of close to 1000 diplomatic embassies held by the region at that time.
Convinced that as one of the highest ranking members of The Black Riders, Gest poses a considerable threat to international stability and regional security alike;
While further believing that the nations of this Assembly have a right to be forewarned of this nation and that it would be lacking of the Security Council not to give Gest the international black mark it deserves;
Condemns Gest.
Aye, Nay, or Abstain, vote early and vote often