Firing my deputy


Voronia gave me great ideas and I'm very thankful, but he hasn't been active since more than a week ago, a more than reasonable period to lose the job.

I hope is OK, I hope he passes his exams or whatever. My question is: there's a need to make a formal announcement for this? like the infamous Tim recalling or something?

Thanks, friends!
You can dismiss him if you like. You could just send him a PM. Alternatively you could wait another week and see if he returns? 2 weeks is automatic removal.
Of course I PMed him. 'Twas a pitty, he was doing a very good job. I hope he is back one day.

Even though almost 20 days have passed, he still apperas to be masked as a DM. Should I ask his remasking in the admin requests thread?
Yes, it would probably be helpful to ask the admins to remask him. If he is a member of the RA, then the Speaker or his deputies will probably take care of that end.