British people out there (not only, but mostly)


OK, I'm probably the TNPer who complaints the most about living in a shitty, poor and neglected country. Here in the Canary Islands you have to be a hero to keep a low paid job, and most companies are only hiring foreign people (mostly Spaniards) because this is a goddamn Colony as I stated a hundred times before.

We're hitting 33% of unemployment rate right now, and I'm losing my patience so I'm thinking seriously about getting lost in a real country. England seems to be a nice place to start, in part because I got an European Union ID, so I won't be immediately kicked out like a dog, and also because I can keep a conversation in English (even if it is a silly one xD).

I never worked abroad, and even though I have this couple of friends who did I don't feel like waiting for anyone... I just don't know, I'm angry and confused and tired right now and I would like to ask all of you, especially British or English people, for advice. (I can get technical info about places and inns and all that stuff with relative ease, but anything you can say may be of help)

(btw I'm a certified cook but I've done several jobs, including system/network computing and some other things I hate xD. Just kidding, I don't hate almost anything).
Come to Saudi Arabia!
Just kidding never even think about it, hell no.

But yeah i dont have any advice for you really, so yeah wish you luck :D
Come to Saudi Arabia!
Just kidding never even think about it, hell no.

But yeah i dont have any advice for you really, so yeah wish you luck :D
Are you British, Astana?
Mr.Englishman at your service!

If you're really set on leaving the Canary Islands Britain is always a good place to start (spoken by a rather patriotic Brit so slight bias). There is an unemployment rate of 7.7% right now, so it's dropping! Also there is a pretty decent minimum wage and as said, with an EU ID it's not very hard to get into the country, however I'm not exactly an expert about it.

I'd personally recommend our great little country for the weather, which is highly unpredictable yet not very extreme. Also being GMT 00 you are never more than 12 hours in terms of timezone from anyone, if that's a bonus. There is a pretty decent national health service as well as a bunch of benefit systems to keep you on your feet even if you don't have a good job/any job at all.

Not sure how helpful my advice is, or if you could even call it advice, but I'd say that Britain is a pretty nice place to be, if only to get on your feet or stay longer! Any questions about Britain I'm glad to (attempt to) answer.
Awesome, Stovilium.

That kind of general info is always nice and the fact that a "rather patriotic" guy is telling me I'm welcome instead of "f**k off! don't come here to steal our jobs!" is a nice thing to hear (or read xD). The climate? I don't care that much, I'm getting sick of living in a paradise, my skin is so whit I always end up burnt and people call me "guiri" (slang for european torutist) all the time anywayxD

Specifically, I would like to know if there are any touristic areas you recomend me to go find a job ('ve worked mostly in hotels and such), but any place will do, really. What part are you from?
If you send me your CV I could pass it on to some recruitment consultants be it for catering or computing. They do this new thing now where they look for candidates on LinkedIn and see if they can place them in a vacancy, so that's another approach you could take. Third option would be to apply to the jobs that appear online.

It's really not easy to get work and somewhere to live, rent keeps going up, but it's commonly done so it should be possible. I think you'd get on really well :)
I'm from Liverpool, up in the northwest, a very nice place and it's recently had lots of money invested in it for renovations, such as Liverpool 1, a big shopping center with some tourism I suppose. However I haven't really answered your question sadly. The main tourism areas are certainly London, as that's where you find most of the attractions (Big Ben, St. Pauls cathedral, Buckingham palace etc.) and with it all the hotels, as well as Manchester and Birmingham However besides that there isn't a great deal of information I could tell you, however there is something called the Job Centre, run by the government I believe. It is far, far better at helping people get a job than I could ever be, so if it's useful to you I'd check it out.

I'm afraid that other thank pointing you in some (vague) directions or giving you my personal opinion with the odd fact I mightn't be the best source of help, I don't know a great deal about the immigration process into the UK for work or staying, however I can tell you that most people here are nice enough and there is certainly enough opportunity if you try for it!

Play this song as much as you like, patriotism is always free!
If you send me your CV I could pass it on to some recruitment consultants be it for catering or computing. They do this new thing now where they look for candidates on LinkedIn and see if they can place them in a vacancy, so that's another approach you could take. Third option would be to apply to the jobs that appear online.

It's really not easy to get work and somewhere to live, rent keeps going up, but it's commonly done so it should be possible. I think you'd get on really well :)
That's nice Chas, I am a little bit lost with all the internet job searching thing, but I guess I have to learn all those things soon, as I'm planning this trip for January or so.

I'll give you my CV as soon as I translate it, even better if I get the European Union template for it, that is even mandatory for some job agencies.

Thank you very much friend ;) we'll be in contact.

Also, Are you from London? how are things going there? do you that could be a good place to start or should I move to some other maybe less populated location?

Stovilium, you're being also of great help. I'll try this web you linked, thanks!

And for the Anthem, you guys have some of the greatest anthems ever made, not only that official on, but also Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia, Jerusalem... Awesome land for anthems, indeed.
Moving to a different country, sounds exciting - but I'm sure it is far more difficult in practice. I wish you the best of luck.
A lot lot lot lot cheaper indeed xD, remember Australians and New Zealanders are our antipodes. I'm walking almost exactly with my head downwards if that makes any sense xD Western Australia being in fact the most distant mainland to these old islands.

There's also the EU ID, which may come in handy. Otherwise I would love to try Aus and NZ, they seem like awesome countries I should visit at least once in my life. Also Canada and the States, but let's keep it realistic for now.
Come to Saudi Arabia!
Just kidding never even think about it, hell no.

But yeah i dont have any advice for you really, so yeah wish you luck :D
Are you British, Astana?
hahah ok, friend

The States? If I ever hit your country, everyone will notice xD you'll have to make it a holiday xD
Come and live in Britain! We have, like, um, Anglo-Indian curry and fish 'n chips and stuff, i guess..

But seriously, come here. We are not near any plate boundaries, so no earthquakes or volcanoes to worry about. Our weather is rarely extreme, just rainy through the winter, and incessantly sunny in summer. Our most dangerous natural phenomena are floods, but just live on a hill or something, maybe in Kent.

We drive on the CORRECT side of the road (left, in case anyone doesn't know) and we speak the CORRECT form on English (sorry, USA, but no. Aluminium has 2 'i's in it, and the lowest floor in the GROUND floor, because it is on the 'ground', get it?) We also have a rich history, as in, with more than just three or four wars (sorry again, USA).

We have one of the richest economies in the world, and even though everyone is going through a reccession right now, we are doing better than most. We also have a monarch, which is way better than a President in most Brit's opinions - God save the Queen, dontcherknow.

I say! What a wonderful place to live!
^ If I posted something like that, there would be people lining up to wrap me in the Union Jack and burn me alive.
If coming to the UK, you're best bet to start with a shitty job and work your way into a good job.

So come to the country, apply at McDonald's or whatever, then look for the good job you want.
Thanks Archegnum, Raven, madjack.

Yeah, I am even looking for information about farms and orchards and that kind of work. Anything will be better than working many hours over the legal maximum, being underpaid and fired and re-hired randomly, and that only if you're lucky enough to find a job.
It is likely a lot cheaper for him to go to Britain than it would be to go to New Zealand :p
New Zealand is fairly easy to immigrate to. Australia is somewhat difficult to immigrate to, especially if English is your native language. :P

I'm a US Citizen by birth, but also have dual citizenship with Canada, and because of a rather off flaw in BNA (British North America Act of 1867 and amendments thereof) I also am recognized as a citizen of the UK. And, by another quirk of law, I also have Italian Citizenship. This means I can pretty much immigrate to a large chunk of anywhere in the world (and move freely therein :w00t: ).

It's a long story, but the best part is...

I am totally exempt from ObamaCare! :w00t:
XD I can't believe that you managed to bring Obama care into that argument. Points to you!
I am indeed a political animal. No wait, I'm just an animal. :lol:

Actually, given the conditions here in the US, I am seriously considering Oz or NZ.
Obviously I am quite biased but Australia is pretty great :D

I have been thinking of doing my masters in the USA in the future. I think it would be a great experience and would help me to stand out in the very competitive legal industry in Australia.
If you want to move to the USA, it would be advisable to choose which state/s wisely. I hear some nasty things about some areas...
Have you considered Scotland? It's colder and wetter, but the landscape and people are great. We also fought most of "England's" wars for them over the last 3 centuries.
Have you considered Scotland? It's colder and wetter, but the landscape and people are great. We also fought most of "England's" wars for them over the last 3 centuries.
He's moved to Cambridge apparently. Maybe he'll visit :P
Have you considered Scotland? It's colder and wetter, but the landscape and people are great. We also fought most of "England's" wars for them over the last 3 centuries.
Scotland has not fought "England's" wars for them over the last three centuries. Or are you implying that those millions of English, Welsh and Northern Irish soldiers that perished in both world wars, the Crimea, the Napoleonic Wars and all the other conflicts don't count or matter? The Scottish played their valuable part, but no more than Wales and Ireland, and certainly not more than England.
I know Scottish soldiers did brave and crazy things in the British army, spawning stories like this one about a Scot whose friend was killed by a German soldier during WW (don't remember which one); he allegedly went to German trenches and found the fucker, killed him, took him to British trenches and send his corpse to Scotland to be stuffed and turned it into a hat rack.

Truth or not, I would rather not fight them Scots xD But Archegnum is right, not just about UK as a whole, but also for soldiers from Commonwealth Realms and Nations. Aussies, Kiwis, Ghurkas... Lots of fun friends in Her Majesty's Army.

I certainly would like to live in Scotland (and the USA), at some point in the future, but now I'm loving England and England seems to love me too ;P
I know Scottish soldiers did brave and crazy things in the British army, spawning stories like this one about a Scot whose friend was killed by a German soldier during WW (don't remember which one); he allegedly went to German trenches and found the fucker, killed him, took him to British trenches and send his corpse to Scotland to be stuffed and turned it into a hat rack.

Truth or not, I would rather not fight them Scots xD But Archegnum is right, not just about UK as a whole, but also for soldiers from Commonwealth Realms and Nations. Aussies, Kiwis, Ghurkas... Lots of fun friends in Her Majesty's Army.

I certainly would like to live in Scotland (and the USA), at some point in the future, but now I'm loving England and England seems to love me too ;P
Oops, yeah, mustn't forget the Commonwealth! Without them, the Nazis would likely have won. Thanks Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Bangladesh, Gibraltar, Falklands...