[Private] Proposed rule change as per due process


Garde à l'eau!
Mall and I came up with the idea of changing the process a bit to speed things up as per processing court cases.

1.) Court cases may be heard by just one justice who can render a decision.

2.) An appeal a decision to the entire court (all justices hearing the case) can be made provided the person appealing can:

a.) Produce new evidence germane to the case that may alter the decision;

b.) Produce sufficient evidence that due process was denied;

c.) That a mistrial occurred due to improper procedure, conflict of interest, etc.

3.) A decision to deny an appeal must be made by a unanimous vote of the three justices.

Any thoughts on this application of the rules or change in rules if needs be?
True. Let me tweak it a bit and come up with a straight-forward text for a rule change to this effect.
Considering that the deliberation of the justices only lasts 48 hours maximum, I don't think this change would really be worth it - every case would be appealed on some grounds, and most or all of them would probably be accepted.

Besides, the people elected all three of us to rule on cases. I think this might put too much power in the hands of the chief justice to assign moderating justices, if the MJ is the only one making the opinion.