Hello @@NAME@@,
In order to further the World Assembly's mission and better represent what The North Pacific's World Assembly nations intend, my government's Ministry of WA Affairs has an "Information For Voters" program.
Current Resolution at Vote:
"On International Peacekeeping" http://www.nationstates.net/page=ga
This resolution sets guidelines on international peacekeeping operations by World Assembly members.
Ministry of WA Affairs Review
by Minister [nation=short]Sovreignry North Pacific[/nation]
When reviewing this resolution, the WA Affairs office looks at both the content, and the arguments, and only considers the title when assessing a summary and what it intends to do.
The preamble of the resolution at vote accepts that armed conflict is inevitable, that it is appalling that civilian casualties are inevitable, wishes that nations would seek alternatives, and "defines peacekeeping as activities that tend to create conditions that favour lasting peace; via non-violent accompianitment or interventions"
The resolution mandates that WA nations who choose to deploy peacekeepers are not allowed to engage in offensive military maneuvers or provide military assistance to either party involved, peacekeeping and humanitarian forces are unable to be utilized unless attacked, all protections under international law shall be afforded to peacekeepers, peacekeepers will be under their own flags, and that it shall be a voluntary service provided by WA nations.
Additionally, the resolution creates the International Peacekeeping Assembly (IPA) and gives it the powers to direct the WHA to make available any and all medical and humanitarian supplies as required to alleviate civilian suffering, and to hold yearly meeting to discuss current conflicts and to make recommendations in regards as to where peacekeeping may be most effective.
Finally, it urges members to send humanitarian workers if they have no armed forces themselves, for the purpose of distributing food and medical supplies to civilians, and encourages members to treat non-WA members with the same courtesies afforded when and if non-members request peacekeeping intervention
The Ministry recommends the following: if you agree with the author's view that Peacekeeping is an international issue, and that the restrictions and rules set out by this resolution are adequate then you should vote in favour of the resolution; if you disagree with the author's view of Peacekeeping being an international issue and disagree with the restrictions and rules placed upon peacekeepers then you should lodge a vote against the resolution; if you hold no strong opinions on the issue, or are unswayed by either argument, this Ministry recommends an abstention..
Final Note:
I govern my vote by how the regional members vote on the forum, so you can easily change it.
Forum topic: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7106895/1/#new
If anything about this is confusing or annoying, please be unafraid to ask questions or request that I exempt your nation from receiving Information For Voters messages.
Thank you for reading,
Your Delegate,
In order to further the World Assembly's mission and better represent what The North Pacific's World Assembly nations intend, my government's Ministry of WA Affairs has an "Information For Voters" program.
Current Resolution at Vote:
"On International Peacekeeping" http://www.nationstates.net/page=ga
This resolution sets guidelines on international peacekeeping operations by World Assembly members.
Ministry of WA Affairs Review
by Minister [nation=short]Sovreignry North Pacific[/nation]
When reviewing this resolution, the WA Affairs office looks at both the content, and the arguments, and only considers the title when assessing a summary and what it intends to do.
The preamble of the resolution at vote accepts that armed conflict is inevitable, that it is appalling that civilian casualties are inevitable, wishes that nations would seek alternatives, and "defines peacekeeping as activities that tend to create conditions that favour lasting peace; via non-violent accompianitment or interventions"
The resolution mandates that WA nations who choose to deploy peacekeepers are not allowed to engage in offensive military maneuvers or provide military assistance to either party involved, peacekeeping and humanitarian forces are unable to be utilized unless attacked, all protections under international law shall be afforded to peacekeepers, peacekeepers will be under their own flags, and that it shall be a voluntary service provided by WA nations.
Additionally, the resolution creates the International Peacekeeping Assembly (IPA) and gives it the powers to direct the WHA to make available any and all medical and humanitarian supplies as required to alleviate civilian suffering, and to hold yearly meeting to discuss current conflicts and to make recommendations in regards as to where peacekeeping may be most effective.
Finally, it urges members to send humanitarian workers if they have no armed forces themselves, for the purpose of distributing food and medical supplies to civilians, and encourages members to treat non-WA members with the same courtesies afforded when and if non-members request peacekeeping intervention
The Ministry recommends the following: if you agree with the author's view that Peacekeeping is an international issue, and that the restrictions and rules set out by this resolution are adequate then you should vote in favour of the resolution; if you disagree with the author's view of Peacekeeping being an international issue and disagree with the restrictions and rules placed upon peacekeepers then you should lodge a vote against the resolution; if you hold no strong opinions on the issue, or are unswayed by either argument, this Ministry recommends an abstention..
Final Note:
I govern my vote by how the regional members vote on the forum, so you can easily change it.
Forum topic: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7106895/1/#new
If anything about this is confusing or annoying, please be unafraid to ask questions or request that I exempt your nation from receiving Information For Voters messages.
Thank you for reading,
Your Delegate,