Tim for Justice


It's not like there's much to say folks.

If elected:
  • I guarantee activity
  • I will recuse myself from anything that involves a conflict of interest
  • I'll interpret the ConstiBilliCode to the best of my ability, and judge fairly

Anything else? Ask me stuff, I guess.
Democratic Donkeys:
How tall are you in real life? When will Nicolas Cage be in another good movie? Why do I feel so ashamed when I fart in public?
I am 6'2

Nicolas Cage is an acting God, I don't know what you mean. His performance in the Wickerman? Perfection.

You feel ashamed because society has deemed it such. Reject these societal norms, and do what you wish (assuming it's legal and potentially consensual)
What is your position on the recent re-election of Angela Merkel?
I personally support Social Democrats in Germany, but she's done well with the economy and the country's stability. Therefore, I can't say I'm that annoyed at her victory.
What is your position on the recent re-election of Angela Merkel?
I personally support Social Democrats in Germany, but she's done well with the economy and the country's stability. Therefore, I can't say I'm that annoyed at her victory.
That was a good answer :w00t:
Would you be interested in participating in some form of debate with myself and the other candidates in this special election? (Assuming we can find an appropriate venue and moderator).
Would you be interested in participating in some form of debate with myself and the other candidates in this special election? (Assuming we can find an appropriate venue and moderator).
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if it had no teeth, and could chuck wood? How will you use this as precedent in future cases? What sort of bias will you use in striking down past rulings?
I'd like to thank everyone who supported me, and urge them to vote Mall in the Run-Off.
Out of curiosity, what made you endorse Mall for Justice rather than Gracius Maximus?
I believe Mall is a more honest candidate.

During the Gatesville coup of Osiris, both candidates were involved in support of the other side. However, Mall clearly stated this and did his various lulz. However, on the other hand, Moldavi denied everything and attempted to claim duality. I cannot support such a snake for office.