What needs to be done


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Laws we need to fix:
Bill of Rights - WA clause, no test for public office - WA Delegate?
Government Officials - Security Council members should not be defined as a Govt Official, still retain recall ability for the Regional Assembly
Election Time frame - 7 days voting, 2 day break, 7 days nominations - too long??
Possible expansion of citizenship application process- conflict of interest disclosures?
Security Council Influence Law - allow for rules change? how are we going to incorporate this?

Foreign Affairs
- Update out within the next week
- Ask the community for article submissions
- Ambassador role call, with reassignments if necessary.
- Use the Letters of Credence again
- Ask for a report on the regions people are assigned to, set deadline for submission

Culture and Entertainment
- organise a Skype channel for The North Pacific on IRC
- Europeia Cultural event to be planned
- Start planning games ahead of time, I want an idea of what is planned and for when
- Work on Roleplay and the Map - what are our next steps?
- Encourage debate and discussion in the university
- Possibility of a GCR wide cultural event, will need some discussion and planning.

- Have the Minister establish a team for writing articles
- Work on both domestic and international news as well as tabloids
- Organise areas for distribution, GCRs, gameplay forum - where else?
- What other methods can we use for regional news? Radio? Advertisements/banners? Short youtube videos?

WA Affairs
- A goal moving forward would be to get more people involved in the WA
- Continue to post in the GA/SC areas informing them of how the North Pacific region will be voting on a given resolution
- If a resolution will cause a negative reflection on an ally I want to know about it.
- IFV's will start up again.
Are we going to make a bid to host the World Fair/Convention/whatever it is?
Once we get to meeting more, I'll elaborate on my grand communications plan :ADN: I'm looking to make a "direct/instant" news outlet for the region including perhaps twitter (see @TSP_NS, the South Pacific's), which I'll need a few willing people for. Then I want to expand the tabloids/domestic news situation by putting together a staff for tabloids/news, possibly biweekly, and promoting more private media.
- TNP-Euro. I'm waiting for an answer from Europeia.

- RP. I've been asked for guides so I plan to open a thread with National Roleplay tips and ideas, also linking to good guides on NS forums. I plan to offer a workshop to share factbook code and hints, flags and paraphernalia. I would like to have one or two lines in the WFE to link to the current most important event/open RP threads, and so people can see stuff.

- Map RPing. Scandigrad limited the changes on the map, now only RA members can redraw its borders, or even have them. That's the theory, in practice no one uses it anymore. I'll talk to Scandigrad and see if he can lower the requirements and still do the work. If he isn't willing then I guess it's not that bad for me to take control over map updates in the future or... well, I don't know xD.

- What's the point of the Skype channel?

- Finally, I plan to celebrate a couple of contests using polls (best flag, best factbook, best motto, most popular TNPer, Most likely to coup, etc, those are some ideas) and I'll be designing badges to display in sigs as a prize, but also they can be annunced as winners on the WFE or on the RMB.