Defeated: Establishing Principles of War [Complete] [Complete]


Establishing Principles of War
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament | Strength: Mild | Proposed by: Cowardly Pacifists


Recalling the commitment of Member Nations to see peace prevail, to avoid military conflict whenever possible, and to shield individuals from unjustifiable injury, hardship and destruction;

Convinced that world nations can and should distinguish between right and wrong actions, even in times of war;

Also convinced that world nations can and should distinguish between just and unjust reasons for pursuing a war;

Aware that the World Assembly lacks a formal position on the principles that ought to inform the use of military force;

Resolved that Member Nations should advance the cause of peace by declaring and adhering to reasonable principles of justice in matters of war and conflict;

Convinced that such measures would obviate needless bloodshed and avoid some of the terrible costs of war;

NOW THEREFORE, the World Assembly hereby establishes the following Principles of War:

1. Last Resort - Member Nations shall only engage in war, if at all, after exhausting all reasonable peaceful alternatives;

2. Declaration - Member Nations must declare their intent to prosecute a war publicly and openly, and must state the cause therefore;

3. Proportionality - Member Nations shall not cause destruction and death disproportionate to the harm that justified the war, and shall refrain from using weapons of disproportionate and indiscriminate destruction;

4. Pursue Peace - The ultimate goal of any war must be to preserve or restore a just peace, and with that consideration in mind wars shall be brought to an end as soon as possible;

5. Futility - Deaths and injuries in the name of a hopeless cause are not morally justifiable, and Member Nations shall refrain from willfully prosecuting war when it becomes clear that further hostilities would be strategically futile;

6. Refrain from Plunder - Member Nations shall not deprive the population of a defeated enemy of the resources they need to survive;

7. Punishment of War Crimes - At the conclusion of a war, an involved Member Nation must take all possible measures to bring war criminals from all sides of the conflict to justice;

IT IS FURTHER DECLARED that Member Nations shall adopt and adhere to the aforementioned principles, and divergence from those principles, without good cause shown, is deemed to constitute a war crime.

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, Present.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change your vote, please do not edit your post to reflect this. Please post again clearly stating you are changing your vote. This is to ensure your updated vote is counted.

Ministry of WA Affairs Official Review
by Minister Sanctarian WA Mission

This is a mild global disarmament resolution proposed by Cowardly Pacifists. Its aim is to establish guidelines for the entering, and conduct during, a conflict and clarifies any divergence from these aims would be tantamount to a war crime.

The main part of this resolution is its list of dos and do nots during warfare. There's not really much of a review I can do here, given the topic, and it's pretty straight forward, but I'll give a short one anyway.

First off, my own personal view is I think labelling any and all divergence from this as a war crime is a bit over the top. I think punishment is necessary, but there will be situations where divergence from these principles will be subjective. "Strategically futile" and "without good cause shown" introduce subjective and vague elements into the resolution which is worrying.

There is an ambiguity about the ban on plunder which may introduce the possibility that wars for conquest would be made illegal. The aforementioned concern about subjectivity would also apply here; one nation may believe that conquest is not covered by plunder, another may. Who is correct and who decides which is correct, more importantly. Being declared a war criminal is on the line here.

I'd also be concerned that this may try and ban nuclear weapons, which would be illegal given NAPA, through its ban on using weapons that cause indiscriminate death and destruction. Of course any GA resolution which makes it to the voting floor is automatically deemed legal, so I wouldn't lean too heavily on that particular point.

Frankly my recommendation would have to be to vote against. Conflict is by its very nature a subjective act and while establishing principles is highly laudable, they would have very little effect. What one side would call illegal under this act, another may not, and this resolution has no method of coming to who really is correct in their accusations, there is no mediator or judicial body, only that you will be determined to be a war criminal regardless of whether or not the claim is true.
"Establishing Principles of War" was defeated 7,695 votes to 3,367.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.