NOTING: the preamble of the Constitution currently reads thusly:
In order to guide The North Pacific in its practice of democratic governance, we the nations of The North Pacific establish this constitution.
Which is grammatically incorrect.
FURTHER NOTING: The presence of an unneeded comma after the word "Governance", and the absence of a needed comma following the words "we" and Pacific (second instance).
LAMENTING the grammatical error that has, for too long, been allowed to mar our revered document.
FURTHER FURTHER NOTING that a comma is defined in the Oxford dictionary thus:
GEEKILY NOTING: that a comma is represented in standard western English by Unicode U+002C, and mandating this use in the Constitution
THE REGIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE NORTH PACIFIC RESOLVES to revise the preamble of the Constitution to read:
In order to guide The North Pacific in its practice of democratic governance, we the nations of The North Pacific establish this constitution.
Which is grammatically incorrect.
FURTHER NOTING: The presence of an unneeded comma after the word "Governance", and the absence of a needed comma following the words "we" and Pacific (second instance).
LAMENTING the grammatical error that has, for too long, been allowed to mar our revered document.
FURTHER FURTHER NOTING that a comma is defined in the Oxford dictionary thus:
1a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence or separating items in a list.
2 Music a minute interval or difference of pitch.
3 (also comma butterfly) a widespread butterfly that has orange and brown wings with ragged edges, and a white comma-shaped mark on the underside of the hindwing. •Polygonia c-album, subfamily Nymphalinae, family Nymphalidae
late 16th century (originally as a term in rhetoric denoting a group of words shorter than a colon; see colon1): via Latin from Greek komma 'piece cut off, short clause', from koptein 'cut'
This punctuation mark has the following uses:
to separate the items in a list:...tens of thousands of them: Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs.
to place a section of a sentence in parenthesis (as brackets do):Bill the dog, happy as ever to be out and about, was sniffing everything in sight.
to mark the divisions between the clauses in a complex sentence: These weed killers may, if used on new lawns, damage young seedling grasses before they are well established.
to separate sections of a sentence to make it easier to read: To make a hot compress, pour hot water into a bowl and then add the essential oil.
to introduce and/or end a piece of direct speech: ‘No, sir,’ said Stephen, ‘and that is what is so curious.’ You do not need to use a comma between nouns that are in apposition: my wife Dorothy Alison and her friend Beth were attracted to the same man at a party. Commas should be used to surround a noun that is in parenthesis: Pete, his son, cleaned the garden aviary. Use a comma when writing a number that is made up of four or more figures:23,500 1,500 miles but not in dates:1 May 2004 the 1970s
GEEKILY NOTING: that a comma is represented in standard western English by Unicode U+002C, and mandating this use in the Constitution
THE REGIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE NORTH PACIFIC RESOLVES to revise the preamble of the Constitution to read:
In order to guide The North Pacific in its practice of democratic governance we, the nations of The North Pacific, establish this constitution.