[Complete]Defeated: Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders" [Complete]


Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal | Resolution: SC#91 | Proposed by: Abacathea

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #91: Condemn The Black Riders shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council;

Frustrated with the failings of SC#91 which falls short of what should be expected of a condemnation of a region like The Black Riders including references to "cultural genocide";

Recognizing the intent, but poor draftsmanship of SC#91, and it's obvious attempts through choice of language to portray The Black Riders as grotesque monsters by exaggerating their presence within targeted regions as "oppressive and horrific";

Observing that this condemnation has done little to starve The Black Riders of their desire to continue to be a destructive force within the known world;

Determined not to further a region to which the current condemnation serves little more than a furtherment to continue these actions and as a badge and banner under which they march to their ends, despite the previous resolutions fear that The Black Riders would serve an "encouragement of other allied raiders, raider regions, anti-WA establishments and attitudes" if they were not condemned;

Observing that the antics of The Black Riders at this point, while still negative and hurting to those regions they sack with reckless abandon, carry little weight in any other form in the international community and thus are not deserving of a condemnation;

Repeals SC#91 "Condemn The Black Riders"
"Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"" was defeated 7,428 votes to 2,293.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.