Attorney General Omnibus Bill

Punk, you know I was being whimsical.

In the US, the "Mc" preface has come to mean fast and cheap, but lacking any character. For example: They built a new subdivision. It's full of McMansions.
Great Bights Mum:
In the US, the "Mc" preface has come to mean fast and cheap, but lacking any character. For example: They built a new subdivision. It's full of McMansions.
Really?! I didn't know this. You learn something new everyday

Not sure how much McM appreciates it though :P
I support this bill exactly as written!
I wonder if Justice Romanoffia supports the revised version? ;)

Regardless, I support this bill as amended. It clarifies the status of deputy AGs and would go a long way to solving the current gridlock we are experiencing in the TNP judicial system.
I support the bill as amended. :P

There are a couple of immaterial grammatical errors that could be cleaned up, but other than that, looks fine to me!