Passed: Stopping Invasive Species [Complete] [Complete]


Stopping Invasive Species
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses | Proposed by: Ceni

Description: The World Assembly,

SHOCKED that invasive species have massively impacted and changed the ecology of regions;

APPALLED at the economic damage caused by the impact of invasive species;

REALIZING that this is a major international problem which can be solved by cooperation of member nations;


DEFINES "invasive species" as any non-sapient species posing a serious risk of causing detrimental effects upon being introduced to a new environment;

REQUIRES the following measures to prevent the introduction of invasive species to the environments of member nations:
Member nations shall treat ballast water on ocean going vessels to kill any invasive species that may be present.
Member nations shall screen imported species to determine whether such species pose a risk of becoming an invasive species or spreading disease.
Member nations shall develop specialized response units to eliminate or remove invasive species from the environment;

PROHIBITS the transfer of invasive species from one nation to another - member nations shall work actively to prevent the transfer of invasive species across their borders through all means necessary, except through closing national borders;

OUTLAWS practices of the shipping industry conducive to the accidental spread of invasive species, namely the discharge of ballast water in coastal waters or internal waterways and use of inadequate vessel-cleaning procedures; and

TASKS the World Assembly Science Program (WASP) with creating an international registry, with which member nations shall share information regarding invasive species, including, but not limited to: species that may be considered invasive, the conditions under which any given species may be considered invasive, and effective methods for dealing with invasive species.

Coauthored by Icamera

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, Present.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change your vote, please do not edit your post to reflect this. Please post again clearly stating you are changing your vote. This is to ensure your updated vote is counted.

Tally: 0-4-1-0

Ministry of WA Affairs Official Review
by Minister Sanctarian WA Mission

This resolution is designed as a replacement for the recently repealed Invasive Species Response Act. It is a marked improvement on the previous resolution concerned with the same topic, yet this Minister does not believe it is flawless and that an against vote should be lodged.

The new definition introduced by this resolution is more encompassing than the last and as such has the potential to be much more effective. It aims to stop invasive species via the following means:

  • Requiring nations to treat ballast water to kill such species
  • Requires nations to screen species being imported into the country
  • Requires nations to create special response units to deal with situations with invasive species

It also prohibits the transfer of invasive species from one nation to another, and outlaws the discharge of ballast water in coastal or internal waters. It also creates an international registry to monitor and catalogue potential invasive species.

As said in the introduction, there remains some flaws with this piece that leads this Ministry to recommend a vote against. Firstly, species being invasive entirely depends on the environment in which they are introduced. For example, fauna or flora that may be invasive in country X is not necessarily invasive in country Y or country Z. This resolution would appear to ban the transfer of any species declared invasive, even if they would not be considered an invasive species in the countries it is travelling in or between.

The resolution also requires member nations to screen for potential invasive species. Again, this is flawed. While the academic process could be applied to imported species, the reality is many species may not be considered invasive, or have the potential to be invasive, until they interact with the new environment. As such it is most probable that invasive species will continue to be introduced and this resolution will prove most ineffective.

There is also some concern at the outlawing of the discharge of ballast water, and in combination with the above faults, this Ministry recommends an against vote, as mentioned. This is just a recommendation and nations continue to be free to vote how they wish.
Hrm I don't really like this.

I'll lodge a vote of Nay for now, unless the Minister can convince me that this proposal deserves support.
Nay is what this Minister will be recommending. The review should be up soon.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.